Tags: BioWare; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
<a href="Http://www.gamespy.com">GameSpy</a> has posted up <A href="http://www.gamespy.com/interviews/november03/hudson/">their interview</A> with <b>Mr. Casey Hudson</b> of <A href="Http://www.bioware.com">BioWare</a>, about their recently <b>GONE GOLD</b> XBox to PC port CRPG set in the <A href="http://www.starwars.com">Star Wars</a> setting, <A href="Http://www.swkotor.com">Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic</a>. It covers some things about mini-games in the game, it being set 4,000 years before the movies even though all the technology looks the same, and this about unique lightsabers:
<blockquote><b>GameSpy: You've added the <i>Heart of the Guardian</i> lightsaber. Can you tell us more about it, as well as other new weapons, armor, and items in the game?
Hudson:</b> Without giving away its unique history, the Heart of the Guardian is based on a magnificently shaped lightsaber crystal of unknown composition. It has a unique color that will be especially cool for dark side players. There's also an equally cool new lightsaber for light side players, called <i>Mantle of the Force.</i></blockquote>
This really makes me wish I'd sat on the <i>+1, +3 vs. Wookies</i> comment until now. Then again, why is the evil one called <i>Heart of the Guardian</i>, which sounds kind of <i>goodish</i>?
Spotted this at <A href="Http://www.homelanfed.com">HomeLAN Fed</a>
<a href="Http://www.gamespy.com">GameSpy</a> has posted up <A href="http://www.gamespy.com/interviews/november03/hudson/">their interview</A> with <b>Mr. Casey Hudson</b> of <A href="Http://www.bioware.com">BioWare</a>, about their recently <b>GONE GOLD</b> XBox to PC port CRPG set in the <A href="http://www.starwars.com">Star Wars</a> setting, <A href="Http://www.swkotor.com">Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic</a>. It covers some things about mini-games in the game, it being set 4,000 years before the movies even though all the technology looks the same, and this about unique lightsabers:
<blockquote><b>GameSpy: You've added the <i>Heart of the Guardian</i> lightsaber. Can you tell us more about it, as well as other new weapons, armor, and items in the game?
Hudson:</b> Without giving away its unique history, the Heart of the Guardian is based on a magnificently shaped lightsaber crystal of unknown composition. It has a unique color that will be especially cool for dark side players. There's also an equally cool new lightsaber for light side players, called <i>Mantle of the Force.</i></blockquote>
This really makes me wish I'd sat on the <i>+1, +3 vs. Wookies</i> comment until now. Then again, why is the evil one called <i>Heart of the Guardian</i>, which sounds kind of <i>goodish</i>?
Spotted this at <A href="Http://www.homelanfed.com">HomeLAN Fed</a>