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Completed Let's fly 650km in the Middle East, WW2 style


Nov 25, 2020
Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Not sure if I have access to a carrier but how about this :


Marianas Islands !
And maybe time for some nice cloud cover too !


Nov 25, 2020
Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Aaand welcome to what's probably the last update of this thread. As foreshadowed I've pushed all the stupidly hard sliders to max so here's the deal :


A flight from Guam to the small strip at Pagan Island, a two legs trip with a 90° turn over the ocean. Total distance : 368 NM. Weather :

il fait beau.jpg

Early morning, heavy cloud cover and rain. Planned flight level 25k, speed 380 MPH, making the first leg a whooping 43m45s long straight line. God dammit.
To keep me entertained during this expectedly long and dull flight I've added some AI planes (several US heavy bombers, that's Guam for you) to fly circuits around the islands. However I forgot to check up their altitude and they flew in the middle of clouds. Also, as my airplane emptied its tanks I've emptied along a couple beers. Difficulty to the max baby.

After my previous adventures I was confident in my course keeping and airplane management, however I realize that I had no plan to climb to altitude over the clouds without drifting, so I went with doing timed back and forth, expecting I'll come back to my feet in the end. With this planned, it was high time to get lost triumph over adversity !


Welcome aboard ! Take-off was uneventful. I went to the other side of the island to check the bombers but the view was so shitty and the day so early that the apron was but darkness. Still, I scared the hell of a taking off B1B crew :


But now was time for climbing.


25k is a long way in my puny Mustang.




Clouds everywhere, but the wind was calm so the plane steered docile and I ended up when I planned :


As you can see, ground visibility was awful so no way I have it easy this time.


25k, IAS 260 MPH, we're on course. Only 43 minutes to go (and no, there is no fast forward).


In case you're wondering what's the difference between the two last screenshots, check the clock on the dashboard (top rank of instruments, second to left). So yeah, good thing the clouds are really well made because those were not the craziest 43 minutes of my life.

Meanwhile the AI is having fun in the middle of the worst weather :



And time arrived for our starboard turn toward Pagan :


Now I have the Sun in the face. Great. But I realized two other points :
  1. If I kept with the plan I would arrive 25k feet on top of the Island and then I would need to find a way to get down without losing myself,
  2. I was drunker than expected
Therefore I decided to climb down, thinking that if I reached surface level before the Island it was a matter of flying straight over the sea until I arrived. Then I thought about the AI running in the clouds with waypoints around Pagan. There was a low chance of a mid-air collision, low but stressful as the lack of visibility would make it unexpected and very sudden. But what could I do ?


Let's dive in chaos.





And finally :


Well, we're at sea level if it was not immediately obvious.


I flew in those awful conditions for a while, then changing course to try and find Pagan but to no avail.

So Andnjord, here's at last your tragic ending. This one was too much. Oh hubris ! Who are we to challenge the skies ? What moves men to those vain undertakings ? Who will give me back the time I lost doing that shit ? Questions lost under the rain, hopes crushed by clouds, far away stranded at sea, truly, that was the end.

Then I realized that I had forgotten to turn off map markers on this mission so actually here I was lol :


25 NM off, that's awful. I'm pretty confident I ran the main leg right on speed and heading so I probably drifted during climb.
Well, let's go for closure and do that landing.



Wonderful weather, really.
See that tiny patch of green :


Yep, that's the strip.


2 fast 2 furious 2 drunk.


2 high 2


A terrible landing to end this terrible trip. Shit, I'm not doing this again anytime soon.

So here end my navigation adventures across the skies. I'm now getting to hand with fast jets that go very fast and crash very fast too, but I may pause flight sims for a while soon anyway.

Still, while I'm confident I could find ways to deal with the unforeseen mistakes I did this time and maybe get right on target in the middle of clouds, I had a thought about this magazine I had as a child about the Battle of Britain, giving a day by day overview of operations, engagement and loss. And across the past I remembered what did happen when the weather was bad : everybody stayed home and nothing happened. Now that's wisdom for the ages.

Still, that was a weird kind of fun while it lasted. Thank you for reading my very first Let's Play, hope you enjoyed it. Time for a beer !


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
This was surprisingly fun to read (doctor, should I be worried?) which is a credit to your writing, cheers for that and thanks for indulging my sadistic suggestions.

Have a :bro: and a :love:!

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