After reading it again I decided I'm not entirely satisfied with my previous combat update. Which means I decided to do things bit differently this time. Instead of giving you general shot of whole thing followed with write up for whole round I tried to focus more on individual areas, hopefully this will be easier to digest and less confusing as to what is exactly happening. I've spent more time and effort doing this one so I'd like to receive some feedback on how you like it compared to first update.
It's 25th and it's time to change scenery a bit. This time our job is to probe their defences. It's very early, sun just started rising over horizon. There is light fog in the air.
Area this time is much more open.
Don't you worry that Wasp is still with us. He's in thicket just north of us.
Suddenly our radars light up with multiple sensor returns approaching from the east. Looks like they were expecting us.
Pair of fast missile armed hover crafts and sprinting Phoenix Hawk close in on us instantly leaving dust clouds behind them.
We can also see Wolverine and medium tank further away.
Both sides start firing their weapons but most shots miss their mark.
"Servant" stays back to deal with flanking Maxim, carefully takes her aim and shoots. With loud crackling sound intense bright blue beam streaks out of the barrel and hits speeding hover craft. It wobbles a bit and dives right into the ground. Looks like its engine is dead.
Phoenix Hawk manages to jump behind "Lights Out" but rest of the team reacts immediately and surrounds him. He proves hard to hit and despite focused fire his armour holds up. "Don" and house officer in Wasp team up to take down that Hawk at close range.
Agile Wasp gets behind him and kicks his left leg taking off some armour plates. He tries to defend himself but Cataphract easily takes his kick and responds in kind. Blow is so powerful it just rips the whole leg out of the socket (critical hit baby).
Phoenix Hawk pilot tries to stop his fall with his mech's left arm that was previously damaged by our weapons fire. Its shoulder gives out and he smashes his medium laser in the process.
Some shots are fired at us from the south. Looks like there is more of them.
They didn't show up on sensors before, must have been running passive. Oh, dear I think they were trying to ambush us. I believe Commander Boreale would call such people "bold and foolish", or was it "bald"? Never mind.
Immobilized Maxim is abandoned by its crew. Enemy Phoenix tries to stand up on its remaining leg to escape but looses balance, rolls over and falls flat on its back. Seems like pilot got knocked out from the impact.
"Lights Out" uses jump jets to join Shadow Hawk in the thicket in the back. Cataphract stays to hold the line against approaching enemies.
"Serrated Biz" sees good opportunity to get behind approaching Griffin and takes it. Gives it good kick in the leg but it's not enough to trip it over. Shots start flying in its direction but even with damaged leg Jenner is too fast for them to hit.
Our fire support arrives.
Upon closer examination by mechanics we found out damage to the sensors was more serious than we initially believed and until we can fix that "Tindrli" will have to stay grounded (I'm not sure what happened here frankly, it looked fine during previous battle but now he just can't hit anything, maybe it's the fog? I don't know, I'd have to dive into rulebooks to find out and I'm too lazy for that). Which means only "Grey Viper" arrives.
He does a pass over second Maxim and hits with both lasers and 5 out of 6 missiles. Good shooting.
Hunchback and second Vedette stay in the back to provide fire support with their auto cannons.
Enemies nicely line up for us and "Grey Viper" goes for bombing run. About half of the bombs miss. Vedette and Maxim take some damage to their movement systems. Wolverine gets hit with 2 bombs and staggers from the explosions however pilot manages to keep it upright.
After its little escapade Jenner turns around and runs back to the team to avoid getting swarmed by approaching enemies. Cataphract gets absolutely hosed with missiles and autocannon fire, most of which fortunately misses. LRM's from Hunchback in the back ignite the trees.
"Lights Out" seizes opportunity and strikes enemy vehicles from a flank. He hits Maxim with large laser and then stomps it into the ground injuring the driver. "Don" hits Wolverine with AC/10 and PPC in torso, armour manages to hold up for now.
Smoke from burning trees is starting to get really thick. "Don" steps out of the fire to avoid overheating. He immediately gets rushed by Griffin and Vedette which he kicks causing some serious damage.
(Cataphract is in the highlighted square with Vedette)
He gets pounded by Hunchback with accurate LRM and AC fire. He also gets kicked by Griffin in already damaged leg. Last bits of armour fall off. Any further damage will go right into internal structure.
"Servant" has hard time hitting her shots through the thick smoke.
Phoenix Hawk starts moving, looks like sleeping princess finally woke up. "Serrated Biz" rushes in and before it can do anything crushes to bits its remaining leg.
With both legs missing and in generally sorry state it's completely useless now. Pilot decides to ditch it before it becomes his coffin.
"Grey Viper" notices that Hunchback has been standing still in the back for a while now, just taking its sweet time to aim. We can't let him do that, now can we? He swings his fighter around points his nose at the mech, carefully aims and shoots his lasers.
Direct blow to the head!
Laser easily melts the armour and damages cockpit directly which triggers automatic ejection system.
We have obtained exclusive footage of that Hunchback pilot as he was getting ejected out of his mech:
"Don" backs out of the smoke to regroup and get clearer picture of current situation. Griffin jumps out of the smoke right after him but goes past him straight for Shadow Hawk. Damn this guy is out for blood. What the hell.
"Serrated Biz" runs in to support. Jumping Griffin is hard to hit and most of our shots miss him. Jenner manages to land a kick. "Servant" notices right torso on Griffin doesn't have any armour plating left and swings her fists at it. One punch lands however on the left side.
Griffin kicks back and strips most of the armour on Hawk's left leg.
Corsair makes another attack run. Hits Vedette with all 6 short range missiles and blows up its engine. "Grey Viper" is on a roll today.
That FedCom idiot in Wasp can't read the situation and stays in the thick of it by himself.
Griffin jumps back into smoke as fast as it came from it. It sends parting volley of missiles and PPC shot at Shadow Hawk hitting it in the same leg it kicked before. Armour is completely gone and now our technicians will have to fix up what's normally underneath it. Let's hope it doesn't get hit in that leg any more.
Wolverine goes straight for Wasp and easily smashes its left leg with a kick sending it to eat dirt. We have no choice but to rush in to help. "Grey Viper" does a pass on Wolverine and hits with both lasers, armour holds up. Unfortunately we can't risk dropping bombs for the off chance one hits the FedCom officer.
Fucking hell. Vedette pounds that Wasp with its AC/5 and manages to detonate ammo. Whole thing just disintegrates. Good news is that auto ejection system worked in time and FedCom officer survived, hopefully we can convince higher ups it's not our fault he trashed his ride. Explosion is big enough to damage nearby units.
"Don" and "Servant" try to go around the smoke but still can't get visual on anything. "Serrated Biz" doesn't have that problem and lands all his 4 lasers on Wolverine blowing through remaining armour on right torso.
"Lights Out" fires at the back of Griffin but armour just about holds up. He tries to go for a kick but misses and nearly falls over.
"Grey Viper" scores more shots on Wolverine but it's still not enough to bring it down. Tough bastard.
Griffin again jumps right into us. This time he pays for it with a leg. Cataphract leaves it with 1 internal structure point left and Jenner finishes it off with its own kick. Griffin falls flat on its face.
Meanwhile Wolverine and remaining tank go the other way around and run into Shadow Hawk. Well, sheeeit.
Luckily none of their shots land.
Seeing his buddy is in trouble Wolverine turns and jumps into the melee. Tank now left by itself decides to back off.
"Servant" takes careful aim at Griffin and hits it in the back with PPC. It goes right through the armour and detonates ammunition. ...
Phoenix Hawk, Cataphract and Wolverine are hit with explosion. Wolverine shoots Cataphract with a laser in exposed leg and scores critical on foot. He manages to stay up.
They exchange kicks. "Don" comes of bit better in the trade and barely manages to save himself from falling over. Wolverine looses balance and falls on its back.
They both stand up. Wolverine backs off from the heavy.
Wolverine takes a lot of hits from our fire, even large laser hit on the head courtesy of "Lights Out". It gets pounded into scrap but somehow manages to avoid any critical damage.
"Servant" sniping from the back gets good hit on the leg with PPC. It gets destroyed and gravity sends Wolverine for another close encounter with ground. All that damage starts to catch up with the pilot which nearly blacks out.
"Serrated Biz" and "Lights Out" jump on it and start pounding it with their feet.
"Grey Viper" attacks Vedette but scores only one laser hit.
Wolverine pilot decides to call it quits and ejects. There is only Vedette left.
Large laser hit seals the deal. Kill credit goes to "Lights Out".
As the battle wraps up fire finally goes out.