We land on Radstadt on 25th of March. It's fairly cold out here and it snows all the time. Two days later second lance runs into enemy patrol while scouting one of our objectives.
Just some medium tanks. Locust you see in the bottom right corner is from Draconis Combine.
Jenner closes in and gets flanked by hover tank. No shots hit their target this round. You can see "Jagreen Lern" joined the fight in his Hunchback.
Shadow Hawk and Hunchback stay on the hill to use their long range missiles. Locust hangs in the back with them (I tweaked AI options a bit and made it less suicidal, seems to be working great so far).
Scimitar is pounded hard with missiles and medium lasers. Return fire doesn't even scratch the paint on Jenner.
Jenner hits hover tank with medium lasers, Shadow Hawk with PPC and LRM 15 with the latter landing killing blow.
Hunchback lands missiles on Vedette.
"Serrated Biz" melts front of Vedette with 5 laser hits. This is too easy.
Reinforcements arrive. 2 light mechs and 2 more unidentified vehicles our radars picked up.
Wheeled scout which is immobilised with critical hit from PPC as soon as it shows up.
And another hovertank.
"Serrated Biz" backs up. Lots of misses this round. Only Hunchback lands some hits on one of the tanks.
Not much happening in the back.
Not much happening in the front either. "Servant" hits hover tank with PPC and LRM's causing critical hit on movement system.
Snow is piling up. "Servant" lands more missiles on Edgar. Firestarter engages "Serrated Biz" at close range. His weapons fire isn't very effective. He goes in for a kick and hits but gets kicked in return and lands in the fresh snow.
Meanwhile Jenner shows in the open. "Serrated Biz" and "Jagreen Lern" open fire and land some good hits with lasers and missiles. Sheer volume of firepower knocks 35 ton mech on its ass.
Having learned their lesson enemy light mechs get up and withdraw.
"Serrated Biz" flanks hover tank and lands 4 hits.
"Servant" lands all 15 missiles on Firestarter. They score critical hit on heatsink in right leg.
Shadow Hawk finishes off Edgar with PPC and missiles.
"Serrated Biz" tries to flank their formation hiding in forest but gets intercepted by light mechs.
He hits enemy Jenner with 4 lasers and destroys its weakened left leg with a kick.
"Serrated Biz" backs out but Firestarter follows. Another exchange of kicks happen. Our pilot again manages to stay up. Firestarter looses its right leg in trade. Enemy pilot blacks out from the impact.
Pilot ejects out of prone Jenner.
Knock out was only temporary and next turn Firestarter pilot is already concious. Still it was immobile just long enough to get nailed by all lasers on the Hunchback.
Simply waking up doesn't do him any good though as his mech is missing leg. He fails to get up and just gets pounded more. Even Locust joins in on the fun.
"Jagreen Lern" moves closer to use his lasers, won't hurt to conserve some ammo.
Pilot ejects. Only tanks left to clean up.
Jenner again goes for a flank. Shadow Hawk hits Vedette on small hill with missiles and scores critical hit on movement system. Tank is abandoned by its crew.
Just some laser hits on Hunter.
Vedette in the open gets hit by PPC. Fascinating stuff I'm sure.
Hunter gets kicked in the front, only 3 points of internal structure left. Its almost dead.
Snow keeps piling up.
One Vedette goes down.
"Servant" destroys remaining Vedette with PPC. Jenner goes back to Hunter stuck in piles of snow and convinces its crew to surrender.
That's it folks. Nothing left to kill.
There isn't much to repair so mechanics get it all done on the same day with time to spare.
We're not keeping any of those. Spare parts for Jenner ought to come in handy at some point in time.
So yeah, that was another easy fight and rather lacklustre update on top of that. Since it's such a boring fight I just wanted to get it out of the way. I'll try to put more effort into more promising missions. Unfortunately next one is easy too (at least its short, another one of those special event missions). String of next 3 battles after that should be more interesting though, at least I hope so since I haven't played them yet. We'll see how it goes.