I wont lie. I decided to quickly check out a complete map of the main floor to see how big it is. I nearly shat and shot myself. FUCK MY LIFE.
Last update I found some 2 sets of stairs going down. I dont care if Ive only explored .03% of the Main Halls- I'm going down just to explore and try to have fun. I need to have some FUN. The 'Office Space' update has broken my soul.
We head down to the DEEP HALLS. Nice load screen. Are you trying to tell me something, game?
What the hell? It's only a single barreled filled room with no exit. The barrels along the wall are filled with goat turds and pickled beets, but the fancy barrel...
Cassidy tries to OPEN IT, but her fingers keep SLIPPING off the LID.
Crooked Bee dodges LEFT... Then dodges RIGHT. But then TRIPS.
An epic artifact, for an epic encounter.
A short sword named "The Winter Bane" its +2 and can cast Cone of Cold at level 10 with 3 charges. It also has a '+2 protection' As I write this, I cant remember what that does. I think its just an AC adjust. Crooked Bee takes it.
There is nothing else in this room. Where are the game designers at? We check for secret doors but find none. Back to Main Halls; Lets check out the second stair case...
It leads to a different room- some sort of crypt. The only thing of interest is 3 empty coffins. Each one has a name engraved on it- 'Cassidy' 'Cooked Bee' and 'RK47'.
Azira starts to panic. Will his comrades see the names? Will they discover his plan already? He raises his hammer, ready to deal a stealthy, deadly strike- but no... They dont notice, and its too soon to dispose of them.
"Not when I'm so close to the treasure!" he shrieks. Everyone stares at him.
"Quickly friends! through the west door! Im sure its safe! I will be with you shortly!"
The party crashes through the door and comes across a large crypt full of skeletons, and a new ghostly creature called a Wraith. The party fights for survival, while Azira attempts to fix a spelling mistake on Crooked Bee's coffin.
The fight is harsh, but the party wins. Cassidy suffers some CON damage from the Wraith, and everyone is pretty beat up. Ive mentioned this before, but heal spells suck (so far) usually healing for a couple HP. Fortunately, with the room cleared, its now safe to rest. This is turning into Icewind Dale where it takes 3 months to clear out a small cave.
Theres one more room to these crypts, a tomb saturated with a hellish glow, a single coffin lays in the middle.
"Oh.. sorry my friends... What I meant to say was: PLEASE get in there and get me my treasure, FUCKERS."
Since the magic word was spoken, Cassidy has no choice. She opens the door and enters the room, the red light reflecting off her armor.
Nothing happens. Cassidy loots the coffin.
Its a Bloodstone Amulet. Has 6 charges and casts Level 10 Vampire touch. This items has a lot of buffs, just a few- Its got +2 STR ,+1 AC and spell resist, and some other stuff. The interesting thing with this item is that it has a -2 CON penelty. Probably the most cool item found so far. Just like the Winter Bane sword, though, theres no epic encounter to be had. Its just sitting in a empty room.
Azira snatches the Bloodstone from Cassidy and puts it on. The treasure is finally his. The Mummy was a no show- Azira has been scammed 315gp- He will never hire from Craigslist again.
Theres nothing else down here- Back to the Main Floor. There must be a main staircase to the Deep Halls somewhere else. Before ending this update, lets go back the surface and trade with Nottle.
We arrive at Nottles at night, and nights are pretty dark in this game. To make the scene more screenshot friendly, Azira casts the 'Light' Spell. Do not stare directly at it. Also, I take no responsibility for monitor damage.
I skipped over this when I first met Nottle, but he sells basic shit. Only items of interest is a Stinking cloud wand fro about 5,520 gp, and a single 'level 10' healing potion for 500. The screencap here is made after I sell all excess loot, so I have around 3,600gp.
Just for the idea of items worth- I can sell standard weapons sell for single digit numbers (usually 6-8 gp). +1 Weapons sell for around 500-700gp so now I know there is no point of picking up standard gear. Buying stuff is pretty much double the amount you sell for.
I dont know if Nottle will change his stock later, or if there are other merchants in the game, and I dont really care. With unique relics just laying about in empty rooms, I doubt this game will really have an economy worth giving a shit about.
Cant afford the wand, so we go ahead and buy the potion for 500.
NEXT TIME... We return to the Main Halls *BARFS*