phase-based phantasmist
Speaking up for the Pell Mell Queen now isn't just "trolling" Turcov, it's a direct provocation in a meeting he is heading. So it's not a subtle move that disperses the momentary conflict, shows us as a good politician who handles delicate situations better than him, and results in later advantage... (if there was a vote along those lines, I guess a bunch of people would vote to take it, since it's a net plus for us). Nope, this is basically telling him to go fuck himself - how would you react if your loony sister burst in the middle of a business meeting and started babbling about kittens which will save you from satan - and instead of letting you handle it, one of your associates told her that he'll help her talk to the kittens later, if she wears a nightgown and brings plenty of lube? I'd say you'd interpret it as a direct and overly rude insult from the bloke - and that's exactly how our intervention siding with the Pell Mell Queen right now would look like. Not that we care about kissing Turcov's ass, but we know better than to be so... indelicate in political matters.