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Development Info List of known bugs in NWN 1.28 posted


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Neverwinter Nights

<b>Derek French</b>, <a href="http://www.bioware.com">BioWare</A>, has posted <A href="http://nwn.bioware.com/forums/viewtopic.html?topic=195081&forum=49&highlight">the big list of known bugs</a> for the most recent patch for <A href="http://nwn.bioware.com">NeverWinter Nights</a>. Here's a clip:
<blockquote><b>1.</b> NPC Warping/NPC Poping/WalkWaypoints() Not Working/etc.
This issue has been described in the above different ways. It is important to understand that this is a client-side rendering issue. The NPCs and other objects in the game are in their proper place and behaving properly, it is just that your game client is not rendering them correctly.
<b>Status:</b> fixed and verified
<b>2.</b> Script errors and certain doors not working
There are some area of the official campaign where there are script errors being displayed in the chat window and as a result some doors are not working.
<b>Status:</b> fixed and in testing internally
<b>3.</b> DM Client not displaying all players
In certain situations (usually involving character and DM area transitions) the DM Client will fail to display all the current players in the server.
<b>Status:</b> fixed and in testing internally</blockquote>
There's even more listed in <A href="http://nwn.bioware.com/forums/viewtopic.html?topic=195081&forum=49&highlight">the thread</a> in case you're in for a night of light reading.
Spotted this at <A href="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</a>.


Oct 22, 2002
No, that is a list of admitted bugs.

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