A. You summon seven wolves. Two can play at that game. Let’s see if Elmont can call eight.
This is the most trololo optio, but it also threatens to drag this out and I can't see that as a fitting choice for lazy Erdrick.
B. You conjure a Lightning Tiger and have it eat the wolves.
I like it.
C. You call up a Thunder Dragon, structural integrity of the palace be damned. They need to learn not to bother you with piddling summons.
Also a decent choice, but may perhaps be overkill.
D. You tear the wolves apart with a Whirlwind.
Unsure about this one. It would deflect suspicions about us being a lightning-focused caster, but will it be effective?
E. You cast Elemental Protection against lightning, rendering yourself all but immune to the wolves attacks, and let Elmont exhaust himself trying to maintain his summons.
Seems okay. There's a trollish element here, but it's more defensive and may drag things out like A.
F. You are the one that they called the Thunder Emperor: you use Gigadyne directly on the wolves, destroying them and reshaping them into beasts under your control.
I don't see the value in revealing our ultimate ability, especially against a foe that we could far outclass even with something like the dragon.
G. Despite your strong feelings of apathy, Barbatos is feeling a bit left out that you haven’t been beating up your opponents with manly fist-fighting – you can tell from the way your right arm is tingling. You should probably entertain him from time to time. Exerting your Battle Aura, you break free from the swamp and smash the wolves with your fists.
Intriguing. It keeps us from having to reveal anything more about our spellcasting powers (of which we've shown almost nothing so far), but as Lambchop said it risks some kind of present or future interference from Athos or his human slave.
H. You surrender. There is no effort more minimal than this. So what if you have to strip?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Codex surrender? Not even years of decline could break the willpower stubborn angst of the Codex.