It does not work. Regardless of what you do, or what Zayan does, it refuses to engage in any sort of exertion. It remains inert, not frigidly stiff, but lazily soft. It is inactive. Passive. Indolent. Slothful. Despite its elegant lines, it is all form and no function. It does not, in the way you desire it to the most, work.
Zayan takes one look at your face and mutters cautiously, with the slightest hint of disappointment creeping into her voice, “This was unexpected. I will… research it. Good night for now, and do not worry, I will keep it a secret from the others.” Then, she creeps out the way she came in, leaving you behind to stare blankly at the one who had failed you when you needed it the most. Your most trusted partner who had been with you since birth. Had all those years of careful preservation and care meant nothing to the traitorous worm?
“At such a young age, boy?” says Barbatos. “You have my sympathies.”
A. If that is how it is, that is how it shall be. It is a shame but it is a shame that you must temporarily accept. Perhaps time will mend matters. In the meantime, you do have many more important things to attend to, such as figuring out how to best survive in this strange new world you have been thrown into. You cannot afford to waste time on your personal issues, and one that does not appear to be life endangering, at that.
B. This is unacceptable. You will not let this stand. Well, you will let it stand again, one way or another, but you will not sit by and allow yourself to be subjected to this indignity. From being blown up to being turned into a monster, then sent all the way to another world, and now this... this ailment, you have been toyed with enough. Complacency shall no longer be the throne you laze upon: a solution to this problem will be your primary goal from now on.