And the fact he failed to spot us first despite our closer proximity negates that. Think logically: If you have some sort of magic super senses, what are they based on? If it's like a detect person spell, then he should have sensed us first because we are closer. Can he see through objects? Then why didn't he see us? And if he does, why hasn't he said anything yet? Does he even intend to? If he can't do either, then it's based upon hearing and the stare we "feel" is in our imagination (and for narrative suspense) and simply staying still quiet should keep us hidden. You know, hiding.
What on earth are you bullshitting here? There's a far simpler explanation for this crud: He just didn't bother to focus on his senses until after he was done with the job that had so singularly occupied his attention. You want to dismiss a fact with one of your explanations, but you are ignoring the counter-explanation I presented. This isn't a discussion anymore, if you're just going to keep ignoring everything you don't like to hear and then want to pretend you have a winning argument because you can't remember anything that proves you wrong.
It's still better odds than a small child outrunning grown men in a smooth lit hallway while he has a bum leg.
No? It's obviously much worse odds. There are so many ways that sitting still gets us caught easily. And let me tell you something: Trying to dismiss my arguments doesn't improve the actual odds of E succeeding. It's still just as bad of an option no matter how much you want to bury your head in the sand and reach for excuses to act dismissive.
With A we're not trying to outrun them either. We just lose them down the branching paths at the end of the corridor, and take a few more winding paths to fully lose them. We don't need to keep running for a hundred meters or something. We just need to very quickly take a couple of branching paths until they're like "we lost them" and we've made it.
We can escape the room, sure, not the ruin. Remember the design of the hallway we are in. We are at the end of a long corridor with branching pathways. We don't even know where the exit is and lights follow us everywhere.
The fact that there are branching pathways is precisely what helps us escape the knights, you know. After that we can take our time to try to find a proper way out of there. And this is going to go better if we have Scotty and Andrew with us.
So grown knights won't want to chase children out of fear?
I see you're not yet done playing stupid. It's not fear of the children. It's fear of whatever they might set off by rushing down random pathways in ruins. We already know it's possible to set off a falling ceiling trap. I'm sure there are worse traps too.
And how do you know Scotty's dad won't order them to chase us out of fear for his son's life (or in vengeance for it should our brilliant plan get him killed)?
Because Scotty's dad is not their boss.
Btw, that fear of traps you mentioned: how do you know we or someone in our party won't get themselves killed in one during our haste to escape?
Well, we can't know that for certain. But what I can tell you is that we ourselves have a rank of Traps skill and 6 perception which will probably be some assistance in avoiding traps. And one of the girls just got a pair of magic glasses. It's still a gamble, sure, but it's a gamble I'll easily take over getting caught by the knights. We can't afford to lose Rain, and that means we need to escape.
What, like activating the orb? They've already done that. There's more than one of them to guard the monk as it is, so they don't need to babysit him or Scotty's dad.
True. But it wouldn't surprise me if they had follow-up plans. These guys don't strike me as the type with the sort of inclination or leisure time to go on wild goose chases, which is precisely what we intend to send them down if they want to chase us.
Assuming they both live if we create pitch black chaos.
Aye, assuming that. Although as I noted, Nathaniel has already grabbed hold of the armed knight's gun arm. And I don't think they're the sort to start blindly firing into the darkness when so much friendly fire is possible if they're not careful and they're in an important room they probably don't want to damage.
Given that they are both well connected, they're unlikely to be hauled off to jail regardless of how we ourselves escape. Your worry for them is unjustified beyond Andrew continuing a pointless fight and dying - which probably won't happen, since Scotty's dad is already talking them down.
You're still overlooking the very real possibility that Andrew had a
reason to be picking that fight. A reason we do not want to be part of. He didn't strike us as the reckless and thoughtless type earlier. Sure, if we sit still they will
probably live. But if we run for it, I think there are much better odds of us retaining our freedom and reuniting with Rain.
The are men, not monsters here. Control your fight or flight responses and think about our situation logically. We don't all need to be as foolish as Andrew is.
What on earth are you on about?
E is the cowardly option to curl up in a corner, shut your eyes, and pray it will all pass you by because you're too afraid to do anything.
A is the choice where we make a serious move to fix our situation.