Where did this whole shaman thing pop up from?
treave, out ofwishful thinkingcuriosity, will we be able to interact with the world outside of the Tower? For instance, will we be able to volunteer for WW1, or any of the Revolutionary Wars? Or join international political parties (perhaps even the International Party? )
Baltika9 your count is wrong. Fish votes after conditionals from your list is 8, with Lambchop19's flop it's 9, which brings us to a tie.
Edit: Ah, and with your most recent post that's a tie-breaker.
Where did this whole shaman thing pop up from?
Well, if we have decent WIS (at 7) wouldn't that mean some aptitude for Astra stuff down the road?
treave, could you please clarify this for me, please
probably meant the idea of a magic caster/user that lives in the woods, not some meditating Indian man high on peyote.Yeah, but where does the shamanism come into play?
probably meant the idea of a magic caster/user that lives in the woods, not some meditating Indian man high on peyote.Yeah, but where does the shamanism come into play?
I thought that Fish Hunter would be like Old Man Yao, but we'll be LARPing Joe Rogan. I'm fine with that.probably meant the idea of a magic caster/user that lives in the woods, not some meditating Indian man high on peyote.Yeah, but where does the shamanism come into play?
I'm down for magic casting in the woods, and also down for smoking peyote.
probably meant the idea of a magic caster/user that lives in the woods, not some meditating Indian man high on peyote.Yeah, but where does the shamanism come into play?
Don't tell us what we think we are. If we want to be insane and think we can talk to animals, we will and you can't stop us.probably meant the idea of a magic caster/user that lives in the woods, not some meditating Indian man high on peyote.Yeah, but where does the shamanism come into play?
You're a hunter, not a druid.
Bull would at least be interesting.I just want to have above-average strength for once.
Yeah, that's what I said:Bull would at least be interesting.I just want to have above-average strength for once.
A Chad retard, crushing skulls with his bare hands.
And yet, we're deciding between a fisherman and a bowman.Actually, I'm warming up to the Bull Hunter. I see him as a simple, burly and quiet man. Not smart, but with a lot of common sense.Of these ones, the Fish, the Bull and the Goat appeal to me.
What do you guys think?
He's right, you know.screw it. flopping to Chad retard BULL
everyone should follow me in this, after all: when have my spur of the moment flops to a seemingly unwise course ever been wrong?
Don't worry. My conditional still puts Fish in the lead by one vote. If the Bull Revolution does not succeed, we're probably going to end up with the Fish.I didn't realize that my previous vote had put fish in the lead. I just read the total in the last poll.
What have I done?
I will change it to BULL>FISH so as not to ruin the conditionals unless everyone flops.
Yes, well, I decided that if I can't play as the Ambassador, then I will be the Ambassador."Hello, I pushed very hard for smart ambassador, now I participate in bull revolution"
But will we get to wield the sweet Astra powers of mutability?You're a hunter, not a druid.
I can settle for a Ranger class.Notes on mutability said:A cloak that can change to act as active camouflage, bracelets which enable the user to transform into a wolf