2) "I will not tolerate a community of criminals in this barony: expel them all."
If we had better knowledge of the Antari language, such that we could communicate properly with Tomasz, I would consider (
consider) 1. The idea would be to force Tomasz into being an informant and collaborator, with the goal of eventually integrating the Antari into the estate's existing hierarchy. Still a mess and a ticking time bomb (we'd basically be cementing the formation of a parallel society), but better than trying haphazardly to dispense some semblance of justice on a population with which we can't even effectively speak. As it is, absolutely not (again). What could be barely tolerated on the basis of our threadbare sense of charity cannot be tolerated at all when the irritating side is now continually engaging in provocative and disruptive behavior. The Antari were given a chance (a very slim, difficult and thankless chance, I concede), and have already staved off death. Enough is enough.
You fucking morons
. Yes, let's accept complete outsiders into our tiny, struggling, backwater estate, where the tenants have country sensibilities and are already teetering on the edge of honest-to-god paupery! Where we've already had to cut deeply into our own resources just to allow our people the chance to feed their own families! Surely we're in a perfect position to integrate (forcefully or otherwise) a bunch of foreign peasants (leaving aside any question of their native intelligence) with which WE CAN'T EVEN COMMUNICATE! The only saving grace here is that the Antari were clearly in such desperate condition that our actions couldn't possibly be viewed as a machiavellian maneuver (introducing a foreign labor source to play off against our tenants' interests).
But wait! You know what, we haven't done enough to fuck ourselves, our people and our future prospects over. Let's now give at least the appearance of introducing and accommodating what we know beforehand will be understood (correctly, I might add) as a FOREIGN H E R E S Y into our estate! Isn't this great?! Now we're in the position of attempting to navigate a tense, complicated political, economic and religious powder-keg, with sub-retard level intellect and below-average charisma! YAY! But it's ok, we can still play to our strengths and choose the group we'll be personally slaughtering to a man to resolve the situation with our mythical soldiering skills. Choices and consequences baby!
What other potential and actual negative consequences can we pile on? Oh hey, aren't we getting married soon, to a lady with whom we've only just started building a positive relationship? Wonder what she'll think when she moves into our DILAPIDATED ESTATE with SHITTY TENANT COTTAGES and finds a group of COMPLETE FOREIGNERS lodged like a tick on the lands she's presumably supposed to help manage!! Personally I'm loving the loss of fully a third of our added Contentment, gained I might remind you blithering oafs, at a steep personal cost to ourselves and our ability to navigate the future of our estate.
I begin to understand
Lithium Flower's frustrations in the previous two playthroughs. We're not just retarded, we're schizophrenic.