Upon hearing a strange noise (that sounded suspiciously like a communist computer god "voice-to-skull" transmission, you know, the one that everyone hears at 3 o'clock in the morning) I investigated my backyard where I discovered my pet dog being tortured and raped by a gang of high value alpha male business elites, presumably for adrenochrome extraction purposes - which was kind of weird, because the dog wasn't prepubescent, plus I don't recall owning any pets in the first place. Taking cover from NWO squadrons of black helicopters and stealth tic-tac-tech jets deploying chemtrails overhead, I retreated into the safety of my prepper bunker, constructed entirely from tinfoil and shungite (does anybody here know what shungite is ? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. Talking shungite - anyways, it's like a two billion year old, like, rock/stone that protect against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around la casa, little pyramids, stuff like that,) and accessed my stash of all-natural homeopathic GMO-free alt-medicine supplies.
After munching on some delicious halal-free beef-fed grass and injecting a triple dose of Ivermectin directly into my urethra, my mind was finally able to breach the false material confines of the Demiurge-Qliphoth matrix and received a divine providential message directly from the immaculate Sephirotic angel-grid, which I will summarize below:
-Slipping into negative wealth or failing to pay your interest payment isn't enough to trigger a game-over in itself, as the game will let you get a loan to remain in the green - however, at some point this will result in your interest rates spiking and your loan requests getting refused, and at that point failing to secure extra funds
will result in a game-over. But it takes a long chain of financial fuck-ups and over-borrowing to get to that point.
-Even in the rock-bottom scenario of exhausting your loan options there will be an additional set of emergency options to but yourself some extra time to stabilize your situation - though those options will be very costly to your relationships and reputation.
-You are encouraged to be more financially irresponsible, especially to compensate for flubbing the refugee arc. Stimulus go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
-In short, V O T E and don't worry about all the pesky money stuff it totally won't become a problem in the future
I'd share more but its hard to type with these hooves neeeeeeigh