Yeah, sounds like you got some awesome luck on your P3 pulls. Lockjaw is one of the only cards that can make early P3 play competitive.
?man Marvel really wants Hank Pym gone
?man Marvel really wants Hank Pym gone
Yellowjacket is in the game.
Mystique is great. Cerebro is garbage. There are too many locations that interfere with it.On the bright side I pulled Mystique. Figured she'd be good in a bunch of shit but I looked up netdecks for her and saw one with Cerebro and figured it was a sign since I'd gotten that earlier and hadn't played it yet. Pretty fun, you get absolutely brutalized if your opponent is running Scorpion or Enchantress but otherwise it's a pretty linear game plan. Doesn't seem particularly GOOD since if you don't draw Cerebro you're left with your dick in your hand but it's a nice change of pace.
Yeah, I definitely don't. I considered picking up Ultron from the token shop at one point but passed since he doesn't seem as playable without Patriot, while Patriot's probably alright even without Ultron. Did get Dracula which seems kinda fun but I tried playing him in a discard shell and as usual with discard I manage to discard everything EXCEPT my discard payoffs, including Dracula himself, and never once managed to play him. Could try sticking him in a cheap Kazaarshit deck with the theory being I could play all my cheap shit and then only have expensive shit for Dracula but that doesn't sound terribly good compared to just playing cheap Kazaarshit with Blue Marvel and/or Onslaught or whatever on the top end. Kinda thinking Dracula's likely a fun meme rather than strong.I'm doing well with Ultron/ Patriot, although you may not have the cards for it yet.
Mystique is used in a lot of mid and top tier decks. In addition to copying Patriot, she is used to copy Wong in several cool decks and Iron Man in Negative decks.
That's certainly true but Storm can help with some of them. Actually managed to 5D chess my way into a win by using a points-boosting location to play my nerds out on the final turn so they got boosted into Cerebro range after getting nailed by Scorpion. Had to live dangerously by playing Cerebro out earlier than the final turn but fortunately didn't get punished for it.Mystique is great. Cerebro is garbage. There are too many locations that interfere with it.
Save up for Galactus.Still been playing super casually, but fortunately hadn't touched my gold so I picked up that Deadpool bundle. Fun card to fuck around with and a good pile of blueshit and tokens out of the deal. Also had Destroyer show up in the token shop which I'm considering since that might be kinda fun, though I'm gradually talking myself out of it just because "15 point 6 mana fat man" doesn't really seem like it'd be good enough. Also fucked around with Death and Wave a bit since I got Wave from a random card pickup and bought Death earlier in the shop as another key archetype card.
Destroyer is definitely slightly out of vogue atm. Possible he might see a resurgence following the Sandman buff though.
Ended up picking him up on the grounds that I don't know how long I'll keep playing Snap anyway, so I may as well pick up cards that open up decks. Destroyer's been fine thus far, though I suspect it's mainly coming from fucking with my opponent's plan with Armor and Cosmo more than playing Destroyer. Flipside of the coin is Deadpool's more fun to play but definitely less consistent and worse, since I've got almost nothing to fuck up my opponent and Armor/Cosmo can screw with me. Fortunately I'm in the garbage tier ranks since I play half an hour a day and burn cubes fucking around with decks so Deadpool's peachy.Save up for Galactus.
Well shit. Hate to sit on caches but I guess I will, thanks for the heads up.People are reporting that there is a bug with the collection track caches right now. Players are no longer getting a new card every 4-8 caches. So it may be a good idea to hold on opening new caches until we know more.