dunno lah

Alternative E3 walkthrough video (Japanese commentator):
Alternative E3 walkthrough video (Japanese commentator):
Oh, boy! UI all over the fucking screen! Turret sections! AI companions that do all the work for you! Time slowing down almost to a pause automatically at any sign of danger! Missions that last five minutes! Levels situated around tiny desert camps! Automatic corpse disposal in the fucking dumbest looking way possible! I sure am hyped for Metal Gear Solid 5!
Kojima sneaking in his trashed Silent Hill ideas:
Why not put out several cheaper games on an indie budget instead of throwing millions at nothing but MGS? I can't understand these Japanese companies sometimes. It's like they exist in a giant bubble, forgetting other parts of the globe.
MGS4 is an interesting conversation to had. It's a game that lacks a lot of substance to be honest. Graphically, it's sickening to look at because of the brown filter all over the screen. Gameplay-wise, it's terrible because of how little gameplay there is. There's a particular mission in that game where in which you have to tail some guy and not get caught whatsoever. Sure, stealth game and stuff, but this part of the game isn't interesting in the slightest.
Further, the amount of exposition they are doing is dense, and it's obvious why at the time. This was the last Metal Gear Solid, or so anyone thought. Every little plot detail that was never wrapped up would be getting wrapped up. Which meant that everything unexplained in MGS3 and MGS2 would get some form of explanation. Which meant a lot of explaining was being done to explain or re-explain things that happened in prior games. It was full of exposition and fan service. It makes me wonder what was going through Kojima's head as he sculpted the game with his team. Was the game made out of love? Out of anger towards the fans for wanting answers? Was he misguided in making the game? I doubt that one. So the only answer I have is that MGS4 and every perceivable fault is on purpose. It is not an accident and nothing of the game is an accident. Every little detail of that game must have been made purposefully by a man well aware of what he was making. And to a degree, it's beautiful. To another degree, MGS4 could have been a terrible way to end a franchise.
MGS5 took a while for me to really pick up on. It took me a while to understand what it was, why I should even be excited, and what I loved about these games in the first place. And in the end, I learned to love Hideo Kojima. May he either retire happy or create his own independent development studio and pursue some new IP (or retire).
Metal Gear Solid (...) thematically consistent game.
Protip: when your video game plot requires elaborate treatises to be written that mull over the most minute of details to extract some vague, insubstantial thematical coherence, it's generally a sign that that thematical coherence is absent.
Protip: when your video game plot requires elaborate treatises to be written that mull over the most minute of details to extract some vague, insubstantial thematical coherence, it's generally a sign that that thematical coherence is absent.
let's not forget that the future of the world presented by MGS has the president of the united states fighting a cyborg ninja on top of a destroyed giant robot.
Nah. Any funny self-awareness it does have is ruined by the hours, hours of overly serious, retarded, soap opera quality writing. They use all the dumb shit angles, all they need is a 20 minute cutscene of snake moping around that his daddy didn't love him.let's not forget that the future of the world presented by MGS has the president of the united states fighting a cyborg ninja on top of a destroyed giant robot.
And this alone proves why MGS is the best series on the face of the world. Like...ever.