FYI Nathan Gayson was one of the main dudes that Zoe Quinn was fucking for coverage way back when. Nice to see he's still being a massive shill. It's astonishing the length to which these people who write about video games will go to demonize and distance themselves from the people who play video games. To the extent that they will support blatant anti-consumer tactics while labeling things like player reviews as "toxic." Really a case of cutting off the nose to spite the face.
"It is, unfortunately, not a surprising response given the audience Steam has cultivated over the years by implicitly and explicitly advocating an irresponsible hands-off approach"
You just know these game writers despise Steam and all the mechanics it has in place for allowing the players themselves to freely categorize, rate and discuss games, precisely because it takes power away from people like Gayson. These assclowns want that power and influence to be kept to themselves, so they can, at the behest of whatever producers or developers they favor, dictate what should or should not be bought, what should or should not be liked, etc. They want to be the sole arbiters of taste. They don't want players themselves to be able to review bomb a game, but you know they would love to tell everyone not to purchase a particular game because the developers have engaged in wrongthink.
I can understand the use of the word (sort of) in one aspect. People were promised and sold the Steam version of the game. There was an agreement made and people had to trust that it would be followed through. That is now not the case, and I would call it a case of 'bait and switch' at the last minute. So it's betrayal by the base definition.Betray us? Everyone speaks in such weird terms.
We just hope that you will not betray us just as we'll stay always faithful to you, bringing the uncompromised story and uncompromised quality of experience. Thank you very much
Seen this yet:
they changed every russian voice actor in Exodus, so it's going to be worse too.Just like in the first two Metros. Just play in Russian Dub and its allright and more immersive.
Just set yourself in the mood for Half-life. Their monsters weren't that much different in how outlandish they were, except they had the excuse they are aliens.Also I cannot get over the retarded monsters: mirelurks with lion roaring, crocodiles shooting electricity globes, sand zombies !? Wtf!
The game looks like a boring slog + uninspired monsters + braindead AI + extra wall clipping bugs.
The atmosphere and the excellent gameworld design are still there but A4 seems unable to create any kind of fluid and fun combat. I cannot believe it but it's the same janky combat from Metro 2033 and that shit was released in 2010. Also I cannot get over the retarded monsters: mirelurks with lion roaring, crocodiles shooting electricity globes, sand zombies !? Wtf!
While at first glance someone would be inclined to say that it looks good ... the thing is I still remember how I struggled to finish Metro: Last Light. The story was scripted, the world was dead and at some point not even the atmosphere could hide how shallow the game was. I guess that's why now they are trying different locations/environments but the base experience will still be a slog cause the game is probably just a Metro: Last Light reskin.
The trailers were filled with finely crafted bullshots but this new gameplay is really underwhelming.
in original 2033 gunplay was pretty bad, with shitty shotgun being the main offender. It was fixed in Last Light and Reduxes.The game looks like a boring slog + uninspired monsters + braindead AI + extra wall clipping bugs.
The atmosphere and the excellent gameworld design are still there but A4 seems unable to create any kind of fluid and fun combat. I cannot believe it but it's the same janky combat from Metro 2033 and that shit was released in 2010. Also I cannot get over the retarded monsters: mirelurks with lion roaring, crocodiles shooting electricity globes, sand zombies !? Wtf!
While at first glance someone would be inclined to say that it looks good ... the thing is I still remember how I struggled to finish Metro: Last Light. The story was scripted, the world was dead and at some point not even the atmosphere could hide how shallow the game was. I guess that's why now they are trying different locations/environments but the base experience will still be a slog cause the game is probably just a Metro: Last Light reskin.
The trailers were filled with finely crafted bullshots but this new gameplay is really underwhelming.
You must have played different games than I did.
Janky combat? Since when? The gunplay in both games is tight, and the guns actually look and feel like guns which is something a lot of first-person shooters fail at.
in original 2033 gunplay was pretty bad, with shitty shotgun being the main offender. It was fixed in Last Light and Reduxes.The game looks like a boring slog + uninspired monsters + braindead AI + extra wall clipping bugs.
The atmosphere and the excellent gameworld design are still there but A4 seems unable to create any kind of fluid and fun combat. I cannot believe it but it's the same janky combat from Metro 2033 and that shit was released in 2010. Also I cannot get over the retarded monsters: mirelurks with lion roaring, crocodiles shooting electricity globes, sand zombies !? Wtf!
While at first glance someone would be inclined to say that it looks good ... the thing is I still remember how I struggled to finish Metro: Last Light. The story was scripted, the world was dead and at some point not even the atmosphere could hide how shallow the game was. I guess that's why now they are trying different locations/environments but the base experience will still be a slog cause the game is probably just a Metro: Last Light reskin.
The trailers were filled with finely crafted bullshots but this new gameplay is really underwhelming.
You must have played different games than I did.
Janky combat? Since when? The gunplay in both games is tight, and the guns actually look and feel like guns which is something a lot of first-person shooters fail at.
The game looks like a boring slog + uninspired monsters + braindead AI + extra wall clipping bugs.
The atmosphere and the excellent gameworld design are still there but A4 seems unable to create any kind of fluid and fun combat. I cannot believe it but it's the same janky combat from Metro 2033 and that shit was released in 2010. Also I cannot get over the retarded monsters: mirelurks with lion roaring, crocodiles shooting electricity globes, sand zombies !? Wtf!
in original 2033 gunplay was pretty bad, with shitty shotgun being the main offender. It was fixed in Last Light and Reduxes.The game looks like a boring slog + uninspired monsters + braindead AI + extra wall clipping bugs.
The atmosphere and the excellent gameworld design are still there but A4 seems unable to create any kind of fluid and fun combat. I cannot believe it but it's the same janky combat from Metro 2033 and that shit was released in 2010. Also I cannot get over the retarded monsters: mirelurks with lion roaring, crocodiles shooting electricity globes, sand zombies !? Wtf!
While at first glance someone would be inclined to say that it looks good ... the thing is I still remember how I struggled to finish Metro: Last Light. The story was scripted, the world was dead and at some point not even the atmosphere could hide how shallow the game was. I guess that's why now they are trying different locations/environments but the base experience will still be a slog cause the game is probably just a Metro: Last Light reskin.
The trailers were filled with finely crafted bullshots but this new gameplay is really underwhelming.
You must have played different games than I did.
Janky combat? Since when? The gunplay in both games is tight, and the guns actually look and feel like guns which is something a lot of first-person shooters fail at.
And yet the 6-round shotgun was the most versatile and dependable weapon in that game. How does that work? And what was fixed exactly in Redux?
in original 2033 gunplay was pretty bad, with shitty shotgun being the main offender. It was fixed in Last Light and Reduxes.The game looks like a boring slog + uninspired monsters + braindead AI + extra wall clipping bugs.
The atmosphere and the excellent gameworld design are still there but A4 seems unable to create any kind of fluid and fun combat. I cannot believe it but it's the same janky combat from Metro 2033 and that shit was released in 2010. Also I cannot get over the retarded monsters: mirelurks with lion roaring, crocodiles shooting electricity globes, sand zombies !? Wtf!
While at first glance someone would be inclined to say that it looks good ... the thing is I still remember how I struggled to finish Metro: Last Light. The story was scripted, the world was dead and at some point not even the atmosphere could hide how shallow the game was. I guess that's why now they are trying different locations/environments but the base experience will still be a slog cause the game is probably just a Metro: Last Light reskin.
The trailers were filled with finely crafted bullshots but this new gameplay is really underwhelming.
You must have played different games than I did.
Janky combat? Since when? The gunplay in both games is tight, and the guns actually look and feel like guns which is something a lot of first-person shooters fail at.
And yet the 6-round shotgun was the most versatile and dependable weapon in that game. How does that work? And what was fixed exactly in Redux?
I literally just finished 2033 Redux yesterday, and I'd say the weapons were pretty well balanced.
I played through the original game twice though, and I don't recall there being any major issue with the gunplay or balance. Still, that's irrelevant since one can just play Redux now anyways.
Because I mentioned the janky gunplay then let me explain:
- Aiming and movement animations are not motion-captured, Artyom seems to be weightless,
- Aiming tends to be very floaty and imprecise even with the mouse and there is no ballistic mechanic for bullets,
- Moving means that your aim is shit therefore most of the time you will need to stay put and aim,
- No hit feeback from most monsters, there is no "umph" for connecting shots,
- If you don't shoot them in the head then they require too much ammo to kill,
- If you don't use the Military Grade rounds then your might as well shoot blanks,
- Over-reliance on shotgun as it's the only thing that works at close range,
- Recoil is shit on most weapons,
- Braindead AI which unfortunately ruins most encounters.
I finished both games and personally I found the gunplay to be sluggish and clunky considering that I've played CS:Go for a lot of time. It's simply not as fluid as it should be. This is just my opinion.
Also honestly I don't think they improved anything on this side as the Exodus's gunplay looks very similar to Metro's 2033 gunplay. The only difference is that the mobs were reskinned.
I find this pretty lazy but then the series strong points are the story and atmosphere.
Because I mentioned the janky gunplay then let me explain:
- Aiming and movement animations are not motion-captured, Artyom seems to be weightless,
- Aiming tends to be very floaty and imprecise even with the mouse and there is no ballistic mechanic for bullets,
- Moving means that your aim is shit therefore most of the time you will need to stay put and aim,
- No hit feeback from most monsters, there is no "umph" for connecting shots,
- If you don't shoot them in the head then they require too much ammo to kill,
- If you don't use the Military Grade rounds then your might as well shoot blanks,
- Over-reliance on shotgun as it's the only thing that works at close range,
- Recoil is shit on most weapons,
- Braindead AI which unfortunately ruins most encounters.
I finished both games and personally I found the gunplay to be sluggish and clunky considering that I've played CS:Go for a lot of time. It's simply not as fluid as it should be. This is just my opinion.
Also honestly I don't think they improved anything on this side as the Exodus's gunplay looks very similar to Metro's 2033 gunplay. The only difference is that the mobs were reskinned.
I find this pretty lazy but then the series strong points are the story and atmosphere.
No, that really doesn't describe the gunplay at all. I never had any issues like that with the aiming or anything feeling "floaty". That sounds to me like the problem was either with your mouse or you weren't getting a high enough framerate to keep the game feeling tight.
The only thing I agree with is that the AI isn't great, although I wouldn't call it braindead. The human enemies at least attempt to take cover and fire from behind obstacles. The monsters are... well they're monsters.