The most annoying rejection, however, was that of Mimimi: During the triggersensitive, ideologically-correct preliminary research, this lighthouse studio for inclusion had noticed our babes galleries. I summarize below reading between the lines, but halfway making sense. Mimimi: "If you dumb Neanderthals don't do this woman-discriminating criminal filth any more, we'll be happy to work with you, because we really appreciate your work, hihi, we'll just write that down now, then it sounds friendlier." Me: "We haven't done Babes galleries in four years, so the documentary works out then?" Mimimi: "Uh, well, but no, you haven't distanced yourselves from the galleries or deleted them or publicly whipped yourselves or best of all all three, so we still don't want to work with you, and that we appreciate your work very much, we already wrote, even if we didn't mean it that way."
As evidence Z then still the following link was pasted reproachfully. If you follow this link and click the "Next" arrow three times, you might realize that the imputed misogyny behind the Babes galleries may not be as clear-cut as the self-important missionary mind wants to make it feel.What annoyed me even more: From the multitude of controversial user comments arguing for and against the Babes galleries, the Munich know-it-alls picked out two very unpalatable ones indeed. Two from, I don't know, 2000, over the years of the Babes galleries. But not as outliers, of course, but exemplary.
What I found most pulse-pounding, however, was the schoolmasterly from-up-down tone in communications, here as an example:
"We lack a clear statement on ending the galleries or at least cleaning up the offensive content. We couldn't really tell that you communicated your changed attitude to the outside world."
This is the self-aggrandizing intolerance of the know-it-all, who accepts nothing but an unconditional surrender of the other person, who doesn't care about nuance or explanation, and who, precisely by doing so, does a disservice to the very cause of equality (which I support!). And no, we don't delete comment threads with hundreds of expressions of opinion (because that would be a consequence of "cleaning up" the galleries after the fact). And we generally stand by our content, even if we wouldn't publish it today.