Okay, I can get Wizardry 6, 7, and 8 together for $15 on Steam, so I guess I can just see for myself which one I prefer if I go for that. How are the character creation and customization?
It was always top notch in Wiz6-8. Some spent hours to finally roll that elusive something-something-Lord. Wiz6 and Wiz7 have a free class change (when stats are right) on the top of that, so you can always try something new right in the game. Wiz1-3 and 5 had class changing as well, but it was less fun and useful.
What advantages does Wizardry have over other classic RPG series?
Wiz1-3 - Simple, but very charming dungeon romp that influenced a lot of CRPGs.
Wiz4 - good, fun and brilliant descent to the madness. I never considered it "most hardc0re game evar" or something, but it's definitely not for novices in genre.
Wiz5 - closer to Wiz1, but now have a more story, a lot of adventure type puzzles and NPCs.
Wiz6 - A lot of story, good dungeons, outdoor maps, great exploration, new magic and character system. Good combat. Purple prose and black humour.
Wiz7 - more of the same, only with now real overworld, awesome exploration, moving NPCs that kill each other and can find some quest items first.
I hear Might and Magic is pretty good too. I just found a pack of M&M 1-6 on Good old Games for just $10.
It's a great series. Biggest selling point for me was exploration and overall fun combat, though simplified in the M&M6-8
M&M1 - CGA, grid movement, invisible encounters, no automapping (rectified with third party programs) - Great game, but hard as nails until you get 5th level.
M&M2 - EGA, grid movement, invisible encounters, automapping - I always considered it best game in the series. Some good dungeons.
M&M3-5 - VGA, grid movement, monsters are visible, automapping - great games as well.
M&M6 - SVGA, free movement, real time combat (with half-assedly implemented turn-based option), first "3D" M&M game with added flying - great exploration, good dungeon or two, inane but fun combat. Cheesy tactics like run&gun and carpet bombing.
M&M7 added some C&C and branching plot to it.
M&M8 is a litle M&M7 copycat.
I'm not sure I follow. I always assumed game balance was meant to give you more valid choices than just a few that worked.
Nah, balancing should just fix too cheesy things - like non resistable free spell that can damage for 1500 HP and could be used every round.
Thread that I linked talks a lot about balancing.
For me, Grimoire's flaws were that some spells and items are not working and stacking is complete joke. Though, it's small complaint comparing to the awesomeness that is Grimwah.