Inspired by this very bad thread, I head a (hopefully) good idea.
Keeping with the spirit of the times the Codex should divide it's gaming section according to civilizational poles, ofc. attenuated somewhat by the particular history of video games.
I propose a division like so:
Keeping with the spirit of the times the Codex should divide it's gaming section according to civilizational poles, ofc. attenuated somewhat by the particular history of video games.
I propose a division like so:
- Japanese gaming (Resident Evil, Dark Souls, Mario etc.)
- Asian gaming (Genshin Impact, Ho Tu Lo Shu, Girls Frontline etc.)
- American gaming (Doom, Starcraft, Thief, Jagged Alliance, Heroes of Might and Magic etc.)
- British gaming (e.g. Wipeout, Tomb Raider, Perfect Dark, Chaos Engine etc.)
- Western European gaming (e.g. Crusader Kings, Divinity Original Sin etc.)
- Eastern European gaming (e.g. Witcher, Space Rangers, Pathologic etc.)