No way, that's just an impostor. I've never even seen that person before.Look in the mirror
No way, that's just an impostor. I've never even seen that person before.Look in the mirror
With the rest of the Slav(jank) and Eastern European stuff i.e. right along side Cyberpunk 2077 where it belongs.In what concentration camp would would stuff made by Ubisoft Sofia (and similar) go?
Suggesting that any kind of games requires high IQ is a low IQ take.Segregate the forums by IQ instead.
High IQ - Strategy Games, Space Games
Medium IQ - Crpgs
Low IQ - FPS, Japanese Games, Roguelikes
Non-Existent IQ - GD, Politics
Too embarassed to get associated with Pompi's shovelware, so they stick with being European.where the Jewish gamers at?
how dare uLow IQ - FPS, Japanese Games, Roguelikes
how dare uLow IQ - FPS, Japanese Games, Roguelikes
when i hear multipolar, I immediately think modders.Inspired by this very bad thread, I head a (hopefully) good idea.
Keeping with the spirit of the times the Codex should divide it's gaming section according to civilizational poles, ofc. attenuated somewhat by the particular history of video games.
I propose a division like so:
Then each of those can be broken down into the common genres for those cultures (e.g. there's no need to have an RTS or FPS subforum for Japan, but DRPG and SRPG? that would make sense).
- Japanese gaming (Resident Evil, Dark Souls, Mario etc.)
- Asian gaming (Genshin Impact, Ho Tu Lo Shu, Girls Frontline etc.)
- American gaming (Doom, Starcraft, Thief, Jagged Alliance, Heroes of Might and Magic etc.)
- British gaming (e.g. Wipeout, Tomb Raider, Perfect Dark, Chaos Engine etc.)
- Western European gaming (e.g. Crusader Kings, Divinity Original Sin etc.)
- Eastern European gaming (e.g. Witcher, Space Rangers, Pathologic etc.)
We already have an autist containment subforum they just don't supply it with new blood much anymore.do we need a ~just modder things~ forum?
I don't think it matters much whether I use adblock here or on any other forum.
That's just bipolar. Number of polarities isn't actually a benefit, anyway. People should stick with being monopolar. Pick one and stick with it.when i hear multipolar, I immediately think modders.
Yeah I did, I've been costing this dood MILLIONSI don't think it matters much whether I use adblock here or on any other forum.![]()
That kind of autism has its place, I've always wished Moby Games would let you search for games developed by country instead of just having autists make incomplete lists on wikipedia for only a handful of countries. But as a forum system? No thanks.We should have 195 gaming forums for each country. Licorice, please never stop being who you are, you are a gem.
Rain Man's hyperfocused brilliance autismo vs Licorice's room-temperature IQ autismoThat kind of autism has its place, I've always wished Moby Games would let you search for games developed by country instead of just having autists make incomplete lists on wikipedia for only a handful of countries. But as a forum system? No thanks.We should have 195 gaming forums for each country. Licorice, please never stop being who you are, you are a gem.
A very special treasure, always.You're a treasure sometimes licorice.
I see you're using 100% of your brain powerThinking about it some more, modern AAA Anglosphere games and games from studios like Ubisoft belong in some kind of soulless, culture less corporate globohomo pole, seperate from the actual civilizational poles.
This is a thing I'm aiming to fix with the List of RPGs thread and why I told Abu Antar to add "Country of Origin" as a piece of information. I'm tracking it all in an excel doc right now so eventually, when enough games are added, I'll make it public so everyone can sort by country along with the other typical stuff like year, tags, etc.That kind of autism has its place, I've always wished Moby Games would let you search for games developed by country instead of just having autists make incomplete lists on wikipedia for only a handful of countries. But as a forum system? No thanks.