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  • Your avatar suggests you are a BDSM enthusiastic.
    Maybe that's why you hate my posts so much, because I am a super straight, romantic kind of guy with women.
    Nah, your posts are just unfunny, annoying, and most of the time completely delusional. That's all.
    They do one thing right though... they piss you off.
    Jhonathan, you literally follow every move of mine.
    The problem is never autism it's how you cope with it. But then the problem is still the problem. Is that an autistic observation? Yes and no.
    The problem is that you're doing the worst thing possible with your autism by letting everyone else here take part in your insane and self-aggrandising ramblings about how your game is misunderstood, or that buggy Linux builds are the reason why your game is in such a state.
    I generally don't care about games like yours, but the fact, that you think that your game for whatever reason deserves any kind of recognitition in its current state is beyond pathetic. So please spare us your 1000 word long essays about Unity3D and hire some god damn artists.
    You think i'm making excuses? Worse you appear to be alleging i'm misleading others into my own delusion. You poor poor men. It seems the disbelievers need some convincing.
    You seem upset about my postings. Can you elaborate?
    Stop being a retarded tag-along, who can't form his own opinions while spamming the forum with posts that have been laundered with fabric softener.
    Farewell into the night
    I respect your opinion, man. Is that all?
    How did you even get enough money to buy things from the vendors in Baldur's Gate 3?
    I could barely get enough money for a few enhanced arrows. Selling my entire inventory wouldn't cover the price of a +1 chainmail.
    Keep an eye open for shit to sell on looting. Gems and necklaces are obvious, but particularily heavy armor goes for ludicrous cash.
    Always have an eye on the coin value.
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