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  • Be advised, this poster supports the genocide of the Palestinian people.
    Inshallah, the enemies of Zion shall perish.
    Here is my post from October, btw
    I think the most likely outcome is
    • Israel marches in, wins the battle, and arrests all undesirables
    • many palestinians leave and aren't allowed back
    • HAMAS has to elect new leaders, maybe some clan wars
    • in a few years, return to "normalcy" and frozen conflict
    Maybe some other political organization replaces HAMAS, but they would still be HAMAS. They will still be revanchist, anti-Israel, and have a military arm. That's just what the political space is like.
    What other kind of party do you expect to come into existence in a big concentration camp?
    Damn, I always thought you are a smart person. Guess it shows even I can be wrong sometimes.
    What is this about, the democracy thing?
    If you think that Ukraine is better than Russia only because its more democratic, their inability to hold elections should bother you. This seems like a pretty straightforward statement of fact.
    Then again, you shouldn't think they are only better because they are more democratic.
    Thanks, I'm pretty cool like that.
    Your avatar looks suspiciously much like Fanta irl, which leads me to believe that you also look similar because otherwise you wouldn't choose it, which allows me to extrapolate that this look is characteristic of all Bulgars.
    A cop pulls over two Bulgarians and says “we’re looking for two child molesters”. The Bulgarians look at each other for a moment and reply “we’ll do it.”
    find someone who looks at you the way this guy looks at fucking bears in purported sequels to infinity engine games
    If you live in the capital, going to protests is like going to a concert. Its a social event you participate in with your friends, to be out and to meet people.
    if all lower grade vaginas were delimbed into fucknuggets there would be no need to cut em. just put it on meat hook and and use as stress relif punch bag, no reason to risk damaging your cold steel 7.5 inch espada.

    also stop allowing vaginas from watching all the serial murder documentaries and masturbate to how hot dark triad chad is.
    Our "We Try" new lib party actually is big right now, because the SuckDem red party is in constant decline.
    And our shady guy funding minority party has been always at 8-12%, its the Turkish party.
    But overall, a good generic layout that many will empathise with.
    any one not voting for dumb looking, quasi epstein age qualified vagina with huge jaw implants and nose job is against wisdom of vagina and modern jew sience. how dare you soy pleb.
    gdyby kózka nie skakała.... to by nóżki nie ZŁAMAŁA
    Maxie, bibliotekarzu,
    Zboczony psiarzu,
    Za dużo książek czytałeś,
    I chuja zmarnowałeś
    konrad konrad ty chuju
    Perhaps it is a stretch to claim that Jews are behind many things. They are, however, decidedly behind me having to wake up tomorrow for work. Curse you, Jews. I shall never forgive you.
    I will not let anyone say Tamerlane without the title of Sheikh and Amir.
    It takes the strongest of the strongest men to call yourself The Sword of Islam, and then roam around with your army killing every muslim you see and razing the most sophisticated muslim cities.
    After he soundly defeated Beyazid II who was no slouch himself, he razed the Smyrna castle where some templars were and promptly adopted the title of Ghazi as well like some sort of CK exploit too. Of course he shattered Ottoman state meanwhile, which basically ceased to exist for 20 years and provided ample opportunity for Christian powers to regain Anatolia.
    Good thing the noble serbian knights were there at Ankara, to save some of the retreating ottoman higher ups with their suicidal charge. Kebap salvator!
    We need Gagauz influenced folkloric revivalist movement. Brilliant song btw, didn't know it had Gagauz version.
    I don't think gagauz and chuvash are part of the same language branch. Says chuvash on the video, that's the Volga bulgar language. Gagauz is a Danube bulgar language.
    Both Turkic but Gagauz is Oghuz Turkic language like Turkish. Chuvash is the only surviving -Lir Turkic language, rest of the Turkic languages are Shaz Turkic. -Lir Turkic afaik is the earliest splits of Turkic languages.
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