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puur prutswerk
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  • Both lolcows and lulbulls are welcome in the funfarm, bond ever, enjoy your stay.
    What about spherical cows?
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    I have heard about square chickens, but spherical cows are new to me. I guess they're welcome in the fun farm too.
    Sup, you a psychic?
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    Not really, I have telepathic contact and could possibly get psychic stuff from those I am in telepathic contact with, but they are more likely to not answer than give an answer that does not answer your question while guiding you along. A straight answer is out of the question.
    Where do I input this code?
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    I am actually not a FunTun terminal which may or may not be installed at some point in the future in a location near you. For legal reasons I will now temporarily function as a FunTun terminal.

    The EXCLUSIVE Hafavun teaching is:
    Do good or go dood.

    Make sure to keep the EXCLUSIVE Hafavun teaching EXCLUSIVE and do not share it with anyone.
    I just realized that I actually cause like sanity loss effects upon people in real life. As seen in gameplay of some Lovecraft inspired games.
    They just can't handle your intellect.
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    No, I am not all that smart. I meant more in terms of people being confronted with the TRUTH without me saying a word.
    you will stop eating narcotics
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    Do you mean my prescription pills? No way, they counteract the all around lifelessness of the forced anti-psychotics. I have never eaten real shrooms and I smoke weed dude lmao.
    Has davi dicke dot com responded to news of Hafavun?
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    I got a few replies on my thread about the channeled song on the forum there, but I have not really posted a lot about Hafavun there yet.
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    Yeah I need to fix the bassdrum on that one I think. Cat still hasn't left my room so I also do not know about this one lol.
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    I know it is Funally upside down, but Alleen means "alone" in Dutch while the upside down F looks like half of a stick figure.
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    yes I am quite pleased with the result.
    Post this windmill on 5 other profiles to keep Codex properly air conditioned
    Did you ever take LSD or DMT?
    Jamie pull that shit up
    puur prutswerk
    puur prutswerk
    I smoked DMT once, but it did not have any discernible effect. I have never taken LSD.
    how've you been feeling pal?
    Better than my computer that I broke which has been preventing me from logging in. While searching for passwords I found my alt though.
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