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  • whydoibother
    Много интересен дивеч в резерват Северозапад.
    Ама какъв е този германоид който си сложил за аватар?!?!
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Still in-between avatars, I guess. Picked this one because I like Prussia and due to the fact that it was PJ's older avy. :M
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    If I knew where to get the leader avatars of HoI IV as to add them to the 'dex, I'd probably go with Georgi Dimitrov.
    I think I sold one or two magic items that I found in the crypt. Other than that, you can get a nice amount of money by just sellin stuff that hostile NPC's drop.
    2020 years since the birth of the false prophet, and his pupils still project their homosexuality unto others.
    I forgive your homosexuality and blasphemy, mindless one.
    Why do you bother, lad?
    I'm at the office, pretending to work, and pretty bored. Nothing else to do, basically. Its either fighting lost battles on the Codex and 4chan, or actually being a productive programmer, and FUCK THAT.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
    Did you really play any of the old Fallouts? There has to be something seriously wrong with you if you think pop culture references are the main backdrop of Fallout 2. Gritty, 'lifelike' approach to worldbuilding was always the main pull of the series. Its just that 1/4'th of Fallout 2 is retarded. They made it in 10 months. Play Fallout 1. Fuck You. (You really triggered me, nice trolling)
    I've played all the Fallout games, and I prefer Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, if only because of its control scheme and more reliance on character skills.
    However, pop culture references are to Fallout 2 what Americana is to Fallout 3/4, at about the same scale, and I much prefer the Americana stuff.
    Stop being an NPC parroting the Codex script and form an opinion. If you circlejerk all the time you'll go blind.
    No. Bethesda misinterpreted Fallout's 1/2 setting, and americana is the effect. Retro-futurism / social-engineering / pulp sci-fi setting of Fallouts is probably not so easy to read for a dumb person, and knowingly or not Bethesda simplified it to produce a swing-y, coldwar-y, comedic bullshit. It may have been a good business decision cause people like dumb, easy to approach shit, but fuck them for that.
    Хахахаха поредният сънародник :) Накрая вземе да превземем кодекса.
    Хахахаха предпочитам я на три океана,ама и това се изтърка заради Европа Унивесалис .
    Видело се е, че не ни върви с морета, когато ни се докосне пипалото до второ море и веднага се свиваме. Може да е алергия. Да си седим при черното езеро.
    Ама се е видело,че и в съюз или управлявани не става. Все кой ни се прави на шеф вече го нема. Същото ще стане и с великия европейски кенеф.
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