Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - Pretty fun shooter. It remind me of good ol on rails shooters. The story with unreliable narrator and things "magically" changing place was a nice touch. The duels SUCKS ASS, they are clearly designed with pads as controller and whoever designed then should get a kick in the balls.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic - The kick simulator. Lots of fun, magic is super fun. Tons of jank, but for it's time it was great.
Magicka 2 - Completed in coop - Fun but sooo short. Also step down from first one in terms of encounter design, as all melee enemies as fast as fuckboi and get in your face in an instant.
SuperHOT - It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years.
Spees Marheen 2 - Finally completed in coop. A fucking spectacle. Mechanics are good enough and it's always better with friends.
Renegade Ops - If you played Jackal on NES and liked it, GET IT NOW. Whack plot like Expendables and tons of fun with shooting stuff. Short, but very replayable.
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin - Mechanically and gameplay wise one of the best, but this animu aesthetic was killing me.
Raynan Legends - replay, one of the best things Ubishit shit out in years.
Deus Ex Human Revolution - just started, pretty nice. Too much control taken from player and too "cinematic", but still super fun. Ofc OG Deus better (mandatory).
Xanadu Next - sorta fun dungeon crawler. I guess.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - Pretty fun shooter. It remind me of good ol on rails shooters. The story with unreliable narrator and things "magically" changing place was a nice touch. The duels SUCKS ASS, they are clearly designed with pads as controller and whoever designed then should get a kick in the balls.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic - The kick simulator. Lots of fun, magic is super fun. Tons of jank, but for it's time it was great.
Magicka 2 - Completed in coop - Fun but sooo short. Also step down from first one in terms of encounter design, as all melee enemies as fast as fuckboi and get in your face in an instant.
SuperHOT - It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years.
Spees Marheen 2 - Finally completed in coop. A fucking spectacle. Mechanics are good enough and it's always better with friends.
Renegade Ops - If you played Jackal on NES and liked it, GET IT NOW. Whack plot like Expendables and tons of fun with shooting stuff. Short, but very replayable.
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin - Mechanically and gameplay wise one of the best, but this animu aesthetic was killing me.
Raynan Legends - replay, one of the best things Ubishit shit out in years.
Deus Ex Human Revolution - just started, pretty nice. Too much control taken from player and too "cinematic", but still super fun. Ofc OG Deus better (mandatory).
Xanadu Next - sorta fun dungeon crawler. I guess.