So I may not even bother reviewing this, or even playing on, because I'm sorry to say, it's really quite average so far.
The visual and aural improvements are there, of course, just like EE Daggerford (in fact, much moreso in regards to terrain sculpting), but the author doesn't seem to have evolved his designwork in the last 17 years. This is a doddle, a casual plod, just like EE Daggerford.
I guess these guys don't know about Swordflight, and how far its pushed Aurora, because they seem to think EE Tyrants is the "best epic campaign since MotB"; a laughable claim when I see what's going on before me.
The campaign has been extended beyond Elventree, but I'm just so bored with it at this point, and it's barely blog-worthy the way I feel right now, so I'm going to take a break and post some screencaps on the 'Dex.
There is a voice-narrated FMV intro. Nothing new to see here:
And here we have the overworld map, inasmuch as I've explored it:
It's nice, isn't it. But it doesn't have waylays/ambushes like the DoD one does.
There are issues with the snowfall line at a certain camera-tilt angle:
And by the way, we have way more draw distance, fog completely off and +cam flexibility through NWShader already with DE.
The trees are nice but not a big improvement on the best of the tilesets:
Nice foliage density in the Great Forest:
Nice mist outside a reworked waterfall cave:
The arena is cool but it's duels are still a complete snoozefest:
I mean, visually it's nice. Let's sell the visuals a bit more with some comparison screencaps of Diamond Edition Tyrants and Enhanced Edition Tyrants:
You get the point. Yeah, it looks better. Whoop-de-doo.
They added lots of VOs and +OST. They added portraits. But at the end of the day, it's still the same dull, flat, outmoded module from 2006 that has been surpassed by Swordflight; it's not even in the same ballpark as Swordflight and MotB, which are both broad-vision modules made by experts.
Moreover, and I'm shitting you not, the loadtimes and savetimes are 5 times lengthier than the DE version of Tyrants, no doubt due to the +placeables and +textures (which don't even look as good as the original in some cases; for example, some of the brickwork).
I'm just... not feeling much here. Beamdog/Ossian need to up their game. They need to realize we've got Swordflight and MotB that have lifted the bar far, far, faaaaaarrr beyond the heyday of NWN.