I don't even know whats going on anymore...
I think he's misinterpreted the nature of Codex management and its relationship to Codexers, this video explains it more accurately.
I don't even know whats going on anymore...
All requests need to be filtered by Infinitron. Just pass your request on to him and he'll enact it at the earliest available opportunity.I think we are having a failure of communication. I clearly stated he and the rest of the console loving millennials you have recruited in my absence are banned. You let your house fall into a dilapidated shithole of degenerate monkeys who do stupid kid shit all day and just regurgitate the same stupid shit over and over.
At one point in time there used to be serious crpg discussion on this site, and now there are just brofisting stupid cunts and one line zingers. There is no originality here, no one tries, its just the same old regurgitated injokes that weren't even funny to begin with, because millennials are complete and utter idiots. They are weak in body, mind, spirit, responsibility, and grasp of reality. You let them run amok and now we have RPGFacebook-twitter-AOLChatcodex where the fucking pussified shitheads of society are given staff positions because incline, Cleve, Fall Out 3, kwa!
The last thing working people want is for kids who wear Peter Pan pants with a firm grasp of how awful micro-aggressions are to bleat out the same regurgitated nonsense like what they have to say matters. This site is like the occupy movement but somehow attracts even stupider people less in touch with reality, but just as willing to bleat out the party line they are spoon fed from their handlers.
Also, I will only do the "Let's Play" if you call it what it really is - "Let me play and record myself playing a video game so fucking idiot little kids can watch because they are fucking idiots and I hope they all get AIDS and die." Do you know who watches people play video games? Fucking idiots. I don't know of a device that let's you watch people play video games that doesn't allow it's user to actually play a fucking video game. That's what normal people do - play games themselves. They don't record it so other fucking addle-minded monkeys can be fucking idiots instead of going out and causing trouble and getting in fights and doing drugs and rubbing their balls on things like normal teenagers and young adults do.
Goddamn it Jim, you put me in charge now let me do my job and get this ship back on course. Its going to be all out war between the smarter people capable of original thought versus the fucking wieners. Yeah, wieners isn't the best name but it fits well. We'll show these wieners the power of growing up without safety pads and helmets, eating extremely processed foods loaded with pesticides, and fathers who used to smack us if we did anything girly, and mothers who would laugh when our fathers smacked us for being a pussy because they wanted us to be normal and that is how normal kids are raised. When a kid was bullied at school and told people in authority and their parents the advice from everyone was to stop being a pussy. Real people, from a real generation, that works and can do things on their own.
I'm not sure what your deal is, like you are on SSD and feel like letting children run the show is somehow paying them back for you forcing society to shoulder the burden of your living, but it is a very bad plan. No one likes kids. Its time for you to hop on the normal train and let the adults take back the reins.
All requests need to be filtered by Infinitron. Just pass your request on to him and he'll enact it at the earliest available opportunity.
I agree. Everything is stupid, including people. The same thing that killed journalism also killed science. We are become death. Destroyer of…whatever. The only real truth is there are two groups of people – those who know they’re stupid, and those who are too stupid to see just how stupid they are. The rest is noise. (But oh, the noise! Crawley said.) It can be graded, and ranked, and labeled, and is. And the stupid elitists with their glutinous snobbery will laugh at the moral atheists, philistine moralists, and other current procronisms of the ants until it’s time for the curtain call.
Or maybe not. Who knows? Not me. I’m just one more fucking idiot in this humdrum world of monkey-savages, whose most distinguishing feature is a glorious sack encompassing two beautiful nuts that makes the juice that feeds the gerbil as he spins the wheel of life. But oh, the noise!
Not an idiot, no, not at all. In fact he's smarter than average.
He has a high mental aptitude, but lacks the patience, maturity and pleasant everyday experiences (in the sense of the psychology they allow for) to withstand/come to terms what having such a mental aptitude entails. You get there, let it go on for years, it starts being very evident. In very telling ways; ie after a point, it's all about understanding and learning to persevere/accommodate. A continuous effort into re-arranging the totality of your surroundings, or expressing said wish with said telling manners? Like i said, it starts being evident.
Another indication is his grammar and syntax use, very consistent with high(er) IQ coupled with an education that has only partly been received by 'formal' educational bodies.
Regardless, he has a 'flair' for expressing himself, that's for sure
You owe me 120 euro by the way.
I was just making fun of the fact that he calls himself an idiot. He's amusing and insightful, if prone to eccentric performances.
Is your PUA book out yet?You are welcome.
Free long term relation tips: Treat your wife like a big child, women can't think rationaly for too long much less understand men. Never apologize for being a man. Don't bore her or lose her respect. Focus on being a stronger, more respectable man. Do a better job in the bedroom: curl her toes. Level up your frame control / quit losing frame battles.
You are welcome.
Free long term relation tips: Treat your wife like a big child, women can't think rationaly for too long much less understand men. Never apologize for being a man. Don't bore her or lose her respect. Focus on being a stronger, more respectable man. Do a better job in the bedroom: curl her toes. Level up your frame control / quit losing frame battles.
Roqua actually is an idiot and alway's has been and he tend's to use apostrophe's in the wrong area's.
NO DON"T BAN ME. WHAT WILL I DO!!!!! I guess I could shave my armpits and bikini line and play soccer. And, if you check, every single one of my posts left in this thread is about soccer (specifically, how gay it is), so fuck you ginger. Fuck you in your hairy, red, tyrant ass.
Okay, I'm ready. Bye normals. RPGCodex Staff - have fun being commie gestapos playing console games and pretending you like crpgs. What will I be doing, you ask? Well, I have some big ideas, let me tell you. I figure if we can invent AIDS by fucking monkeys, just think of all the diseases I can create to reek havak on the useless invalids of this world by fucking lesser animals. Monkeys are probably near the top of the animal hierarchy, right? Just think of what kind of disease I could make fucking a stupid duck billed platypus or even a regular duck, maybe a pigeon or two.
Okay guys, its been fun while it lasted but I got big plans and I can't be held down by these tyrants who are chomping at the bit to ban me again. WINNING!
P.S. Soccer really is extremely gay. It really, really is. I'm not exaggerating either. Ask anyone normal and they will tell you.
He's only eccentric if he's rich, ie paying his debt. If he's not rich...I was just making fun of the fact that he calls himself an idiot. He's amusing and insightful, if prone to eccentric performances.
What's the rationale behind banning quoting living codexers in signatures?
As the new boss I demand my extra buttons. I'm still not able to ban people or give out warnings or anything. How am I supposed to function as the boss when I don't have the appropriate tools to do my job?
Did you try equipping the ring?As the new boss I demand my extra buttons. I'm still not able to ban people or give out warnings or anything. How am I supposed to function as the boss when I don't have the appropriate tools to do my job?