Being former Oblivion modders, they have learned their art from the masters: announcing years old game features as new ( dynamic music "first of its kind?; economy based on regional prices? done and done ), boasting useless statistics (who gives a fuck how many square kms of area you have, especially if it's 2 sq. kms of actual locations and 30 of "appreciatable virtual world" you waste time going forth and back inbetween) and overhyping yet-to-be-proved features ( MaelorAI vs. RadiantAI ?).
Indeed. They could use some humility. Announcing a shit load of stuff like this in such an overhyped manner is a good idea only when you're some time into the actual development and have meat to show besides meaningless game models and concept art. AoD sets a good example about this.
Let's hope it's not just a bunch of dev-star wannabe kids.
I think its their excessive PR wording that is the reason. For indie noobs they have a lot of confidence.
Indeed. They could use some humility. Announcing a shit load of stuff like this in such an overhyped manner is a good idea only when you're some time into the actual development and have meat to show besides meaningless game models and concept art. AoD sets a good example about this.
Let's hope it's not just a bunch of dev-star wannabe kids.