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Game News New free form RPG: Legend


Nov 24, 2005
Being former Oblivion modders, they have learned their art from the masters: announcing years old game features as new ( dynamic music "first of its kind?; economy based on regional prices? done and done ), boasting useless statistics (who gives a fuck how many square kms of area you have, especially if it's 2 sq. kms of actual locations and 30 of "appreciatable virtual world" you waste time going forth and back inbetween) and overhyping yet-to-be-proved features ( MaelorAI vs. RadiantAI ?).

I think its their excessive PR wording that is the reason. For indie noobs they have a lot of confidence.

Indeed. They could use some humility. Announcing a shit load of stuff like this in such an overhyped manner is a good idea only when you're some time into the actual development and have meat to show besides meaningless game models and concept art. AoD sets a good example about this.

Let's hope it's not just a bunch of dev-star wannabe kids.


Jun 11, 2007
The developers themselves are actually quite professional, so this isn't just one giant fan-made mod. Most of the ones who used to be modders produced content that was superior to the original (and while coming up with superior content may be easy making it polished enough is quite hard). The game features list does sound a bit too hyped up to be really good but it's possible that they might deliver something half-decent. I'm not too impressed with the multiplayer part of it as MMORPGs are pretty shit in my opinion.

Still it looks a bit better than some of the crap that other studios are shitting out and calling RPGs. And at least it isn't epic.


Oct 9, 2003
It's interesting how the Codex will bash every RPG-Lite announcement made for its lack of true roleplaying features, and then when a game is announced to have some of the very features the Codex has been demanding, they go ahead and bash that, too.

I don't know anything about Legend -- and it's entirely possible that it'll completely suck -- but some of those features sound like they're just what the Codex has been looking for. It might not be ideal, but if they follow through, at least it's a step in the right direction. There's a little old proverb which suggests not to bite the hand that feeds.

If the only titles you ever show enthusiasm for are those that are 100% perfect, you'll be waiting a long time to be enthusiastic again.


Aug 18, 2005
Kortalh said:
It's interesting how the Codex will bash every RPG-Lite announcement made for its lack of true roleplaying features, and then when a game is announced to have some of the very features the Codex has been demanding, they go ahead and bash that, too.

I don't know anything about Legend -- and it's entirely possible that it'll completely suck -- but some of those features sound like they're just what the Codex has been looking for. It might not be ideal, but if they follow through, at least it's a step in the right direction. There's a little old proverb which suggests not to bite the hand that feeds.

If the only titles you ever show enthusiasm for are those that are 100% perfect, you'll be waiting a long time to be enthusiastic again.
:roll: The "bashing" has nothing to do with what features it promises, but rather how it's promising them. Yes, the features would be good if they actually appear, but their use of hype words and phrases defeats their credibility.

Honest people show humility and self-criticism, because nothing's ever perfect. Just look at the "preview" in the General RPG forum from one of the Obsidian dudes about the NWN2 expansion.


Oct 9, 2003
C'mon, you act like that's somehow unique. Granted, the whistle-blowing definitely has its place -- and this game's feature list certainly deserves some level of mocking -- but your time would be just as well spent writing tickets for everyone who jaywalks near a college campus.

I mean, take a look at some of Baldur's Gate's hype words and phrases:
* 3D height maps for realistic travel over terrain - actually climb stairs, fall into pits, and traverse rocky areas
* Inter-party relationships are dynamic and evolve with the story
* Can be made to play in a turn-based fashion
* Your decisions affect the world as a whole
* An engrossing non-linear plot line that ties into the region's history, gods, natural resources, and politics
Now, Baldur's Gate may not be the pinnacle of roleplaying, but it was hardly horrible. Alas, the marketing team used hype words and phrases, thus their credibility was defeated, and the game was an unbalanced pile of licensed Bethesda shit, programmed by newbs.

Why, even the almighty Fallout was programmed by a bunch of dev-star wannabe kids, considering some of the phraseology Interplay's marketing department used:
* Become totally ruthless and revel in the mayhem as your victims experience the ultimate in gruesome destruction
Anyway, I won't press the matter further, because frankly I don't feel like wasting that much time defending a game I've never heard of (and likely will never play). I just find it silly, is all.

The piranhas have become so accustomed to gnawing that they've taken to biting themselves.


Aug 18, 2005
Kortalh said:
Granted, the whistle-blowing definitely has its place -- and this game's feature list certainly deserves some level of mocking -- but your time would be just as well spent writing tickets for everyone who jaywalks near a college campus.
Hi, this is a forum about games? Time spent here is utterly useless besides indulging your desire for banter and maybe improving your writing skills.

Now, what the fuck is the point of bringing up the other references? Guess what? Expectations != actual results. The hype weakens their credibility. Does a weaker credibility that mean they can't surprise me with a good game? No, but I damn well would not expect it.


Jun 11, 2007
My opinion is hinging upon what the FUCK "Maelor" and the "Law of Attraction" is. I'm assuming it has nothing to do with this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Attraction

It is a computer game after all so they can put whatever crazy stuff they want in it. We aren't able to use magic in real life but that doesn't stop almost every RPG including it in some way or another.

The "bashing" has nothing to do with what features it promises, but rather how it's promising them. Yes, the features would be good if they actually appear, but their use of hype words and phrases defeats their credibility.

Honest people show humility and self-criticism, because nothing's ever perfect. Just look at the "preview" in the General RPG forum from one of the Obsidian dudes about the NWN2 expansion.

That's true, at the moment they only have the list of features and not much else that can demonstrate what they are doing although apparently they do have a tech demo ready. I think waiting and seeing might be a bit better an idea than just dismissing it outright.

Ivy Mike

Jun 28, 2005
Ground Zero
If they actually implement all of the above I'm certainly going to play it. Market speak aside there's some pretty good intentions behind the feature list. Certainly more than most of the shit that passes for RPGs today. Besides some of you should have learned by now to look past marked speak and look for the mechanics that such market speak point towards. Going by the features mentioned it looks good.

Deleted member 7219

Oh fuck its that weirdo Addiktive. The guy who ran the 'Natural Environments' mod for Oblivion. There was nothing wrong with that, but there WAS something definitely wrong with the 'rewards' he gave for mappers.

Say, I made two maps for the 'Natural Environments' mod. He would then name be Saint Matt II. See?

That guy is totally fucked up.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Can I get your signature to sign a petition to ban the word "dynamic"?


Jun 23, 2006
Kortalh said:
It's interesting how the Codex will bash every RPG-Lite announcement made for its lack of true roleplaying features, and then when a game is announced to have some of the very features the Codex has been demanding, they go ahead and bash that, too.

I don't know anything about Legend -- and it's entirely possible that it'll completely suck -- but some of those features sound like they're just what the Codex has been looking for. It might not be ideal, but if they follow through, at least it's a step in the right direction. There's a little old proverb which suggests not to bite the hand that feeds.

If the only titles you ever show enthusiasm for are those that are 100% perfect, you'll be waiting a long time to be enthusiastic again.

Believe in a retarded cult/psuedoscience and expect to get mocked for it, even if you are having a stab at making an rpg NO FREE RIDES!


Nov 2, 2006
Chork said:
sabishii said:
My opinion is hinging upon what the FUCK "Maelor" and the "Law of Attraction" is. I'm assuming it has nothing to do with this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Attraction
My dad's into that shit. Fucking nuts I tell you. It's nothing more than medieval philosophies reawaken. I'm way past that state, thankfully. Instead of only thinking and fooling myself, I ACT, that's the thing.


Nov 24, 2005
Kortalh said:
It's interesting how the Codex will bash every RPG-Lite announcement made for its lack of true roleplaying features, and then when a game is announced to have some of the very features the Codex has been demanding, they go ahead and bash that, too.

I'm making a big announcement: I'm going to bring world peace and prosperity to all the nations. What's not to love in that, so be my bitch now, will you?

If the only titles you ever show enthusiasm for are those that are 100% perfect, you'll be waiting a long time to be enthusiastic again.

It's not about perfection. It's about having actually done something before you make such bold and ridiculous announcements so that you can show off what you have and in turn, have something solid to build premises on. If you have been reading news posts and forum comments, you'd know that there are a lot less than perfect games many Codexers are looking forward to and not in a blind faith manner without criticism towards them, like The Witcher or Broken Hourglass for instance.

Kortalh said:
sip Baldur's Gate * Hype * Fallout sip

Yeah, big titles with big budgets and professional publisher support for advertisement. Actually, what you've referred to IS publisher-originated advertisement. That's the difference between "big" and indy titles.


Jun 11, 2007
Say, I made two maps for the 'Natural Environments' mod. He would then name be Saint Matt II. See?

That guy is totally fucked up.

That is one fucked up mofo. He should be committed.


Jun 17, 2007
I have two words for those thinking that batshit insane developers mean a good thing for a game: Peter Molyneux.


Sep 3, 2005
Well, it might be amusing watching it crash and burn anyway:

Legend features

  1. Vast ambition that would make Molenuex think twice.
  2. Seemingly no progress beyond photoshopping Oblivion screen grabs and making announcements.
  3. 'Eccentric' (even by codex standards) project lead who believes in Real Majick.

I predict I N T E R N E T D R A M A within 6 months.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Actually, the feature list sounds good to me. They're a new studio, which is good, too, as they haven't yet fallen into the vicious circle of hype-release shit-dumb down even more-hype even more-dumb down even more-make more and more money. It sounds good enough to be worth a try.


Vault Dweller said:
* Episodic Released Regions provide the Player increasing motivation, choices and replayability

What? Episodic released regions? Does this mean downloadable content? Or episodic release like the new Sam and Max game? No, really, I hate episodic releases. Please give us one big game and not one tiny bit after the other. It's more motivating if you got the whole thing at once, this way you just lose interest while waiting for the next episode. What's the fucking deal with episodic releases anyway?

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Kortalh said:
It's interesting how the Codex will bash every RPG-Lite announcement made for its lack of true roleplaying features, and then when a game is announced to have some of the very features the Codex has been demanding, they go ahead and bash that, too.

I don't know anything about Legend...
Then perhaps you should go and learn something about it before you start criticizing people for bashing it. Makes sense, no?

...but some of those features sound like they're just what the Codex has been looking for.
A lot of Fallout 3 features - choices and consequences for everyone! - SOUND like "they're just what the Codex has been looking for". Fortunately, the Codex is not known for taking feature lists at face value.

If I recall correctly, the last amazing and best evar RPG from the Oblivion fans failed to progress beyond concept art and names for creatures.



Apr 26, 2007
Huh . . . so . . . it doesn't seem all bad if you read some more in their forums. Obviously, it's going to be an action-y RPG, and it's by Oblivion modders, so it would be absurd to expect a complex turn-based combat system. However, their take on real time combat at least seems more complex than Oblivion's, which is a good thing. I haven't read much about it, but I stumbled across this animated gif that supposedly is a GUI concept but which in reality is a presentation on the interface system and combat. Seems kind of interesting, although I didn't look at the whole thing.


Oct 9, 2003
denizsi said:
Yeah, big titles with big budgets and professional publisher support for advertisement. Actually, what you've referred to IS publisher-originated advertisement. That's the difference between "big" and indy titles.
The best way to be successful is to emulate success. Hype turned out to be very successful for Fallout, Baldur's Gate, and -- yes -- Oblivion. So, while it may be disingenuous, it's certainly not unsurprising, or even uncalled for, for that matter.
A lot of Fallout 3 features - choices and consequences for everyone! - SOUND like "they're just what the Codex has been looking for". Fortunately, the Codex is not known for taking feature lists at face value.
Granted -- and that's the main reason that I continue to lurk and post here, despite some complaints.

Look, I'm not saying we should all dance down to the store and pick up a copy, or even that we should even necessarily be giddy and excited about it. I'm merely suggesting that the immediate response shouldn't be hostile. How does it help anything when the first reactions are that it's "unbalanced, programmed by newbs and dev-star wannabes".

Why not simply be curious-yet-cynical, rather than outright aggressive?

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Kortalh said:
The best way to be successful is to emulate success. Hype turned out to be very successful for Fallout, Baldur's Gate, and -- yes -- Oblivion.
Fallout was a sleeper hit. Even Interplay's marketing department ignored it, which explains why it was a great game. The marketing department was heavily involved with FO2 so you have the suits to thank for teh amazing starting dungeon.

Look, I'm not saying we should all dance down to the store and pick up a copy, or even that we should even necessarily be giddy and excited about it. I'm merely suggesting that the immediate response shouldn't be hostile. How does it help anything when the first reactions are that it's "unbalanced, programmed by newbs and dev-star wannabes".
Perhaps this question should be addressed to the "dev-star wannabes"? It's their job to convince the public that their project is worth following up on. It doesn't take much to come up with a decent feature list, it takes much more to come up with a decent game. While I hope that they have what it takes to make an indie game, I can easily understand the general skepticism and negativity.


Aug 18, 2005
Kortalh said:
Why not simply be curious-yet-cynical, rather than outright aggressive?
Let me think about it. Maybe because... We are? Or you can show me where I said I would never buy their game, and if they ever mentioned their game again I would buy plane tickets and rape their ass.

Besides some of you should have learned by now to look past marked speak and look for the mechanics that such market speak point towards.
It's not about looking past market speak, it's about looking at market speak and judging which ones are empty promises. And this is a basic human skill of critical thinking, not just something most of "us" should know.

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