Yesterday, we informed you that there was a possibility that Microsoft was going to buyout BioWare, the developers of Star Wars: KOTOR, the Dark Alliance games, and the upcoming Jade Empire. While it seems the transaction already may have been done, rumors speculate nothing will have been heard until this years E3. Well, the Edmonton, Alberta based developer has spoke out today on these rumors. A unanimous BioWare employee stated, "To us, it's really thin air," meaning that these rumors are pretty much false, yet there is still a slight possibility that it can be true.
While BioWare does love developing on the Xbox platform, it looks like they will not be bought out. However, do not doubt Microsoft, they were able to bring in high quality developers, such as Bungie and Rare. Which also could leave us with a controversy. Before Rare was bought by Microsoft, they were an active developer on Nintendo's platforms [especially the N64]. But since the buyout, we have seen nothing but one mediocre game come out of the studio. While they do have big plans for the Xbox, when we will see them? We hope for at least one more game before the end of 2004. While Bungie has also only released one game for the Xbox, they do have some exceptions. For one, their staff is much smaller than what it is at Rare, and at least Bungie's only Xbox game was a damn fine game, Rare's Grabbed by the Ghoulies would only appeal to those who are below the age of 15.
But to get back to the subject at hand, the final verdict about this whole Microsoft-BioWare thing is that we will have to wait until E3. Stay tuned for more.