Agreed. Effectively refreshing an oldie to modern audiovisuals isn't the most glamorous thing one can imagine, but keeping the tech while effectively rolling back all the shit that got bad in gaming industry then managing to sell the result *IS* appealing.Some typical 'dexian bitching, but where i'm standing, i find this endeavour a good sign..
- young people, and i mean really fucking young, jeesus, having the right role models and ideals? Professionally speaking anyway
- relatively fresh (and in today's industry at that) developers talking about sound as the n1 pillar?
Maybe we will get the games we were expecting back when we played SS1, after all.
And that is worrying. From what I have seen ND can be counted on not to fuck up as long as they stick to the original and mostly keep updating the cosmetics. Whether they will be able to avoid fucking up when trying to offload their own mechanics onto SS1 is not entirely certain, and less so if they are going to use SS2 as their role model, as SS2 mechanics wasn't exactly its highlight.- an (apparent at least) comprehension of how SS's systems almost made it into an RPG and a desire to build on that further?
As for original style controls, they would be nice if toggleable - they were too cumbersome for just moving around and shooting things, but in some situations they offered unparalleled level of control.