The butthurt on reddit has reached gargantuan proportions. And mods gonna mods:
The mods stickied an incredibly biased thread of "evidence" that the original leak was a developer copy. Despite the fact that it's been confirmed real, one of the most "compelling" arguments was that there were fingerprints on the disc, so it was altered in some way. Don't touch your disks guys, it will turn it into a demo version!
The "evidence" thread should be removed. It's just embarrassing at this point really. I mean look at some of the points that actually made it into that thread:
Is this really something we want new visitors to see as a first impression of the mods of this sub? It was a cute idea, and might have done some good if it was well researched and had any basis in reality. As it stands though it only serves to further the rift between the community and the mods.
- Game suspiciously removed from package
- Finger prints on disc suggest altered disk
For that matter I'm not sure how crazy I am with the mods making sticky posts on behalf of some "group". It's one thing to post them without a green tag and unstickied but to give a thread (that clearly wasn't checked too hard by the mods) such a boost and stamp of approval...well it leads to stuff like this. The only time I've seen any other sub do such a thing is after the post has been checked by the mods until it was practically bullet proof. Doing any less is just inviting more drama into the sub. Which is something we really shouldn't be doing nearly a week before the game launches, right?
I appreciate all the work that's been put in, I'm sure you guys have a gigantic mod log/queue. I'm just sayin, uh, things could be going better. Let's try and get this sub on the right track for the game launch.
Do people on here know how much of a joke we are right now. People are LITERALLY going to this sub for a laugh. We are a laughing stock, its quite embarrassing. The shit that is posted here is a joke. Im out.