Dev Diary #34: Progress Update August
Okay, today is a short one since august was a somewhat difficult or at least unusual month. As you might have heard, Patreon had some major problems with processing credit cards which resulted in a great drop of pledges for many creators, including us. At the same time, both of us had a lot of other work to do, which both helped and kinda held us a bit back on repairing the damage.
Thanks to a nasty bug in my animation tool I also spent way more time than I wanted on creating what was meant to be a quick side-release. However,
I think Ignemis still turned out pretty good, right?
Well, enough with the excuses, here's what else we managed to do:
We had a lot of votes. The first one determined Ignemis for said Animation release. Then we had another two regarding "Polly", the girl our higher patron tiers are helping to create at the moment. We already knew that she will in some way come out of a video game, now we also know that she's at a milf-ish age and will have a nice hourglass-like body shape. So it won't be too long until we can finally make some new lewd stuff hopefully! ^_^
Cucu finished the last background for Mayu's Date Mode, specifically a book café which I think also turned out very beautiful.
The rest of our output was'nt as easy to present as I further expanded the features of our internal level editor that Cucu simultaneously used to construct the level. All dialogues with the exception of a few simple extra lines are now implemented and only need to be adjusted for playback pacing (adding speaking pauses and such). All events are created and the first layout for the dating board is all laid out. I added a portrait editor to dynamically create portrait states by combining layers and Cucu then added them to the dialogues (read more about it in this public post: We did something similar to make dynamic background changes during the date possible.
If I don't overlook anything, our editor now only needs to be able to assign sounds to dialogue lines in order to allow us all we need to finish the Date with Mayu. That and I need to straighten out a few bugs x'D...
That's why I already started to add matching functionality to the game itself. But more on that as we progress.
I know I say it a lot but it really feels like we're slowly but surely entering the home stretch with Date Mode. But you know, the hardest part about making a game
really is actually finishing it and so I'll stick to the classic "when it's done" approach.
But don't feel too teased, please, we want it too
Oh, wasn't so short after all, eh?
Anyways, have a good one!