1. It eventually boils down to " The D&D world you see may be very different from what another person see." not.
2. Talking about CRPGs the world you see is unfortunately exactly what the other person sees. This is a given whether we like it or not.
3. But even on PnP your quest is set on a certain story, certain location so you can play with others. Yes your imagination (or rather the DM's) becomes a primary element in PnP but there are still limits on what you can do. Unless you like freestyle like me which is fun even when it gets a bit chaotic
4. With the advancement of AI and the advancements on real time graphics acting will get into play.
5. hopefully in the future you will address a question to the NPC and he will talk back but since this is not yet possible we will still have to click on the dialogue and read his answer.
6. The way I see it reading text is a limitation not a feature.
7. I beg to differ. In a crpg all you experience is what you see and what you hear. A good story will excite your imagination or in the opposite case will make a world look like an empty shell .If I want to read text I’d rather read a good book.
8. What you see and hear ( in a CRPG) IS what you experience and less what you have to read. I call reading in CRPGs a technicality. unless the game refers to certain parts of a book as a gameplay element or you're reading subtitles.
9. different life different world.. same difference.
Life is all about experience, in a different world you have different experiences and eventually a different life.