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Interview Oblivion Q&A at RPGamer


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<A href="http://www.rpgamer.com/">RPGamer</a> has <a href="http://www.rpgamer.com/games/elderscrolls/elder4/elder4interview.html">an interview</a> with <b>Gavin Carter</b> on the subject of <A href="http://www.elderscrolls.com">Oblivion</a>. Here's a bit on how much they love their fans' suggestions:
<blockquote><b>RPGamer: The addition of a 'quick travel' system is most appreciated; have any other common suggestions or complaints made by the TES community been taken into consideration for Oblivion?
Gavin Carter:</b> Our fan community is an endless generator of great ideas for the game. We've implemented a great deal of things they suggested after Morrowind. Full AI schedules, mounts, revamping our combat system from the ground up, adding in a fast travel system to eliminate the tedium of long trips - all of these things are features the fan community has requested again and again.</blockquote>
I'm pretty sure when people requested horses, they were talking about something that did more than move a little faster and look pretty.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.shacknews.com">Shack News</A>


Feb 26, 2005
They really do listen to their fans!

Like how they've added in other ranged weapons, more skills, mounted combat, interesting and diverse guilds, multiple choices in quests, multiple endings, werewolves, ditching wiki dialogue, and...

... oh wait.

I don't remember anyone requesting NPC schedules. I remember them requesting more unique NPCs (read: interesting personalities) that walked around the city and didn't have sucky pathfinding. Not once did I read that people wanted NPCs to eat. The character to eat, yes, but not NPCs.


Dec 29, 2004
Well, in fact, schedules were indeed quite a often brought-up feature.
However, not in a way 'run off to take a piss once in a while', but like in Gothic, obviously.
Well, perhaps it's better then it sounds... I hope.
Anyway, it's better then having then glued to a place, though.
However, Gothic, most likely, uses a prescripted system of schedules (means manually scripted by game designers).
Since they don't have moddablity in mind, they can get as perverted with it as they want.
However, if you'll add a new NPC into the game, you'll have to 'animate' it 'by hand'. So, moders that adds a lot of NPCs in their mods will have to do a lot of work doing so, and it sucks when you don't get paid for such kind of work (I mean there is nothing creative about it - it's long, boring, repeative).
With RAI, you just set behavior patterns (again, as I understand) - and NPCs take care of themselves.
We'll see how flexible and diverse it is, but it's a sure good thing.


Aug 8, 2005
Chefe said:
They really do listen to their fans!

Like how they've added in other ranged weapons, more skills, mounted combat, interesting and diverse guilds, multiple choices in quests, multiple endings, werewolves, ditching wiki dialogue, and...

... oh wait.

I don't remember anyone requesting NPC schedules. I remember them requesting more unique NPCs (read: interesting personalities) that walked around the city and didn't have sucky pathfinding. Not once did I read that people wanted NPCs to eat. The character to eat, yes, but not NPCs.

In all fairness, schedules, mounts, better traps, better magic-combat balance, full audio dialogue, improved stealth systems, longer view distance, more interesting quests, and more consequences when you become guild master, have all been very frequent requests, from pre-morrowind times that have been (or said to be) addressed in the development of Oblivion. You may not agree with what they chose to focus on, but they did take their feedback into acount quite a bit. Of course the feedback is as diverse as their fanbase.


Mar 11, 2004
Project: Eternity
They could say your horse just isn't trained enough to fight yet.

An expansion pack for it should have a warhorse trainer.

Good luck making a good mounted combat system. Doesn't sound too easy. :o


Feb 26, 2005
GhanBuriGhan said:
In all fairness, schedules

Schedules for them to do stuff, like go to work and go to bed, right? I don't remember anyone other then a slight few off-beat posters saying they wanted NPCs to eat, go to the bathroom, and all that extra jazz.

Like Saint said, something more than just moving fast and looking pretty.

better traps

That's a good thing. Too bad you can't set traps yourself though.

better magic-combat balance

Haven't heard anything about this other than "Don't worry, it's balanced". They said that about combat and magic in Morrowind too...

full audio dialogue

That's pretty much a requirement in today's games.

improved stealth systems

Yes, gotta give Bethy props for this.

longer view distance

Again, pretty much a requirement for today's games.

more interesting quests

You've played the game? I haven't heard anything about better and more interesting quests other than the usual "Trust us, they're grrrrreat!"

and more consequences when you become guild master

Have they described what those perks would be? If they have, could I please have a link?

have all been very frequent requests

I also remember many requests like being able to join the daedric cults, splitting up the Nine Divines into different factions, the knightly orders, allowing you to join the Imperial army, making the beast races more diverse from humans and fixing up their walking animation, the mages guild defenders (like the order of the lamp), more skills, better dialogue with real choices, alternate main quest paths, having guilds influence and ties other guilds (example: you join one and you become enemies with another, etc.), and alternate endings.

You may not agree with what they chose to focus on, but they did take their feedback into acount quite a bit. Of course the feedback is as diverse as their fanbase.

I think it's good that they're addressing the problems that they've stated, but is that all they've addressed?


Bethesda Game Studios
Sep 24, 2004
Yeah, and what an amazingly comprehensive, realistic and fun-to-play implementation of mounted combat that is. I've played it. I'd want to do better.


Jun 28, 2005
Claw said:
jiujitsu said:
Good luck making a good mounted combat system. Doesn't sound too easy. :o
I guess they should ask the guy who did it. You know, armagan.
Boy, mentioning Mount&Blade never gets old.

Yes, mentioning how a game called "Mount and Blade" "managed" to incorporate mounted combat in comparison to another game which has a more complex world, features, system, didn't...it never gets old.


Feb 26, 2005
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Yeah, and what an amazingly comprehensive, realistic and fun-to-play implementation of mounted combat that is. I've played it. I'd want to do better.

It has a few kinks in it, but you must remember that the game was created by one (or was it two) guys. And it is pretty fun to play, but it isn't well polished. I'm sure a professional development team with a big budget and a big staff could do better, but we won't be finding that out anytime soon.


Sep 16, 2005
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Yeah, and what an amazingly comprehensive, realistic and fun-to-play implementation of mounted combat that is. I've played it. I'd want to do better.
Please do :)

Comparing Oblivion with M&B isn't fair but now that we saw that mounted combat can be implemented (and it works great) in games from a team of 2 people (armagan and his wife), I don't see why Bethesda can't. Perhaps through a mod or an update...

P.S. Can't wait for M&B next update. Modding tools... :o


Dec 29, 2004
Yeah, and what an amazingly comprehensive, realistic and fun-to-play implementation of mounted combat that is. I've played it. I'd want to do better.
Was it sarcastic?
If so, how 'better' you'd want it to make?
Prettier graphics, no doubt?
Well, for you and Tintin, that was made by TWO people. One programmer, and his wife - a modeler.
And besides mounted, they have really enjoyable foot combat, ranged combat, overmap, trading, random map generator, etc. etc, etc.
Now, if you'll deallocate some resources from infamous Patrick Stewart, and allocate them to hire one programmer like Armagan (since you have enough modelers and animators already)...
Mentioning M&B will never get old, until you'll prove that you CAN do something at least REMOTELY fun as TWO people did.


Feb 26, 2005
Balor said:
And besides mounted, they have really enjoyable foot combat

I just have to say, since you mentioned it, that foot combat in M&B is probably the most enjoyable real-time combat I've ever played in a game. :D


Bethesda Game Studios
Sep 24, 2004
Mount & Blade's mounted combat isn't bad given the scope of the game. I'd want to have better AI, better collision, use of ranged weapons, charges, handling mounted and dismounted foes, and better control over horse and rider. I think gamers would expect those things from a company with a larger team and budget, while they accept what the Mount & Blade folks have done BECAUSE of the size of their team.

If Armagan wants to work here, he can apply -- we've been hiring and need experienced programmers.


Jun 28, 2005
Well, for you and Tintin, that was made by TWO people. One programmer, and his wife - a modeler.

That's not the point. The point is it's ludicrous to say if one game - called Mount and Blade, for god's sake, "managed" to "implement" mounted combat "into" their game, then an entirely different game which is much larger and has much larger variety should too.

To me, it looks like mounted combat is what the game is based on.

Meanwhile, in Oblivion mounted combat would have been just another feature.


Sep 16, 2005
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Mount & Blade's mounted combat isn't bad given the scope of the game. I'd want to have better AI, better collision, use of ranged weapons, charges, handling mounted and dismounted foes, and better control over horse and rider. I think gamers would expect those things from a company with a larger team and budget, while they accept what the Mount & Blade folks have done BECAUSE of the size of their team.

If Armagan wants to work here, he can apply -- we've been hiring and need experienced programmers.
MSFD, you know, the development of the game isn't frozen. The game is (slowly) expanding (as the dev team) and much of the new content will be taken from user based ideas and informations.
More than 2000 (or was it 3000) individuals already joined the boards, I suspect that at least half of them bought the game, which already configures a "teh win" situation for me. Each new update (Do you realize that the game WILL receive better AI, gameplay options, graphics and animations?) will spawn more buyers that will pass the message to other potential buyers and so on. M&B didn't need the hype machine to sell and I consider that a miracle in 2005.


Aug 8, 2005
Chefe said:
Schedules for them to do stuff, like go to work and go to bed, right? I don't remember anyone other then a slight few off-beat posters saying they wanted NPCs to eat, go to the bathroom, and all that extra jazz.
There is no going to the bathroom. And if they got to work and to bed, and to the temple and to eat in teh pub - well, we all loved that in gothic, so thats what I have been asking for, at least.
Like Saint said, something more than just moving fast and looking pretty.
I would have preferred mounted combat too, but if you get only half of what you asked for, its still something. At least they are real entities, that can be killed, stolen, etc. So its an improvement over DF's stick horse. I'll reserve judgement.
That's a good thing. Too bad you can't set traps yourself though.
Who knows, since physics are in the game you might in one way or another be able to do so. At least you can turn traps against their owners, apparently.

Haven't heard anything about this other than "Don't worry, it's balanced". They said that about combat and magic in Morrowind too...
Granted, but it was admitted that it did NOT work that great in MW, and that they TRY to fix it. We will see...

That's pretty much a requirement in today's games.
Yes and no. If so its a problematic one because of all the diskspace, time and cost associated - still they seem to have gone to great lengths to produce an extraordinary amount of voiced dialogue which is good, no?

Yes, gotta give Bethy props for this.
... if grudgingly :)

Again, pretty much a requirement for today's games.
Graphics whore!:)

You've played the game? I haven't heard anything about better and more interesting quests other than the usual "Trust us, they're grrrrreat!"
It has been mentioned several times as an area where they wanted to improve. A few examples appeared in print media I haven't read myself, but seemed interesting. Besides waiting for the reviews and playing it, that's about as much as we got.
Have they described what those perks would be? If they have, could I please have a link?
Not in detail. It was mentioned that there are recurring things to do as a guild master. But not what those would be. And that it would definitely "feel" more like an achievement.

I also remember many requests like being able to join the daedric cults, splitting up the Nine Divines into different factions, the knightly orders, allowing you to join the Imperial army, making the beast races more diverse from humans and fixing up their walking animation, the mages guild defenders (like the order of the lamp), more skills, better dialogue with real choices, alternate main quest paths, having guilds influence and ties other guilds (example: you join one and you become enemies with another, etc.), and alternate endings.
Yes, and dragonriding, guns, sex, and everything else under the sun. Not that I do not agree with the requests you listed!
I think it's good that they're addressing the problems that they've stated, but is that all they've addressed?
Let's hope there are one or two pleasant surprises...


Feb 26, 2005
GhanBuriGhan said:
There is no going to the bathroom. And if they got to work and to bed, and to the temple and to eat in teh pub - well, we all loved that in gothic, so thats what I have been asking for, at least.

Not that I'm saying Radiant AI is a bad thing, it's just that it's all we've heard about and it's not an element of gameplay. Yea, I like NPCs going about their daily business, but I like interesting dialogue, characters, intricate quests, and complex choices more. We have heard nothing of the latter. It, again, leads me to think bad things about resource allocation for this project.

I would have preferred mounted combat too, but if you get only half of what you asked for, its still something. At least they are real entities, that can be killed, stolen, etc. So its an improvement over DF's stick horse. I'll reserve judgement.

Killable horses is going to be a bitch if you can't attack from them, don't you think?

Yes, non-combat horses are better than no horses. But really, mounted combat is just fun, IMO. Pure and simple.

Who knows, since physics are in the game you might in one way or another be able to do so. At least you can turn traps against their owners, apparently.

Hey, if you could, that'd be fun.

Granted, but it was admitted that it did NOT work that great in MW, and that they TRY to fix it. We will see...

They said it didn't work that great in Daggerfall (balance? ha!) and they were going to try and fix it with Morrowind. But of course, we will have to see what the case with Oblivion is. Information on it would be appreciated however, instead of just the usual "You can cast a spell while having your sword equipped. And, oh yea, it's all cool. That's it for magic. Anything you'd like to know about forests or the U.S.S. Enterprise?"

Yes and no. If so its a problematic one because of all the diskspace, time and cost associated - still they seem to have gone to great lengths to produce an extraordinary amount of voiced dialogue which is good, no?

Oh yea, it's a good thing. Definitley. One of the things that I really liked in the very beginning of Morrowind was that all the NPCs talked. Then, when I left the Census building, I discovered the cold, hard truth. I love spoken dialogue.

Having speech is still slowly becoming a requirement though.

... if grudgingly :)

Hey, improved stealth is a good thing. I don't play a theif, but it's good for those that do. I think they have made some great advances, and I'm not "angry" to admit it. To tell you the truth, I am hoping that I'm completely wrong about Oblivion.

Graphics whore!:)

Whatever you want to call it. I like being able to see what's in front of my character, especially with this spiffy new 6800.

It has been mentioned several times as an area where they wanted to improve. A few examples appeared in print media I haven't read myself, but seemed interesting. Besides waiting for the reviews and playing it, that's about as much as we got.

The examples did seem interesting. I recall reading the one about the painting that you touch and are transported to this really cool dungeon where you have to save the artist.

What I'm hoping for (shit I use that word alot) is that these are not "Fargoth" quests. You know, the really flip-freakin-tastic quests in the beginning of the game that draw you in until you find out the rest of the quests suck but can't get your money back for the game.

Not in detail. It was mentioned that there are recurring things to do as a guild master. But not what those would be. And that it would definitely "feel" more like an achievement.

Ah, yes, yet another "Trust us, it'll be cool." Those silly developers!

Yes, and dragonriding, guns, sex, and everything else under the sun. Not that I do not agree with the requests you listed!

Well, yea, of course some ideas suck (I still remember those threads where people wanted your character to take shits or whatever... fucking trolls). However, the topics I listed have received, and are still doing so, more attention and discussion than the bad ideas.

Let's hope there are one or two pleasant surprises...

Like... dialogue? :wink:


Jun 28, 2005
Ah, yes, yet another "Trust us, it'll be cool." Those silly developers!

So what? What would they do in this case? Reveal what will happen once you become guildmaster? Why not just reveal the ending too?

Yes, non-combat horses are better than no horses. But really, mounted combat is just fun, IMO.

When you think about it, all this crap about mounted combat wouldn't exist at all if they just didn't include horses at all.


Feb 26, 2005
Tintin said:
So what? What would they do in this case? Reveal what will happen once you become guildmaster? Why not just reveal the ending too?

No, but possibly give examples, such as "you might be able to recruit other members" or "random threats to the guild will appear and you must send people, or yourself, out to correct them". Just an idea of what might happen.

When you think about it, all this crap about mounted combat wouldn't exist at all if they just didn't include horses at all.

It wouldn't exist if fast travel only took you to a very limited number of places such as just major cities (which we have interviews telling us that many special places will be marked, possibly hundreds). It also wouldn't exist if your horse couldn't be killed and/or enemies would wait for you to get off your horse before attacking you.

Horses are good, but no mounted combat brings up the question of what are they really useful for (since fast travel is implemented) and what problems will it bring when you run into a crowd of angry Minotaur balls.


Jun 28, 2005
Horses are good, but no mounted combat brings up the question of what are they really useful for (since fast travel is implemented) and what problems will it bring when you run into a crowd of angry Minotaur balls.

Fast travel only works for locations you have already visited. When you are first exploring all the parts (and that will take a good deal of time) of Oblivion a horse will be very useful.

Also, I thought fast travel was only usable for getting to cities and such. I don't think you can just click anywhere and you'll get there. Am I wrong?


Bethesda Game Studios
Sep 24, 2004
Pr()ZaC said:
MSFD, you know, the development of the game isn't frozen. The game is (slowly) expanding (as the dev team) and much of the new content will be taken from user based ideas and informations.
More than 2000 (or was it 3000) individuals already joined the boards, I suspect that at least half of them bought the game, which already configures a "teh win" situation for me. Each new update (Do you realize that the game WILL receive better AI, gameplay options, graphics and animations?) will spawn more buyers that will pass the message to other potential buyers and so on. M&B didn't need the hype machine to sell and I consider that a miracle in 2005.

That's the nice thing about independently developed games. As long as you have a core group of developers who can devote their time to the basic game, and then get people interested enough to continue development, they can become really good. Another good example of this is Wurm Online. Obviously companies cannot operate in this way, and you have to have that initial core group of folks with the time to devote to it which can be hard to find if they don't have a good amount of money stashed away (or are willing to work a full time job AND stay up all night working on the game :))

Indies are great, and I am glad that we're continuing to see them come up with new titles.


Bethesda Game Studios
Sep 24, 2004
Tintin said:
Horses are good, but no mounted combat brings up the question of what are they really useful for (since fast travel is implemented) and what problems will it bring when you run into a crowd of angry Minotaur balls.

Fast travel only works for locations you have already visited. When you are first exploring all the parts (and that will take a good deal of time) of Oblivion a horse will be very useful.

Also, I thought fast travel was only usable for getting to cities and such. I don't think you can just click anywhere and you'll get there. Am I wrong?

You can go anywhere that you have a map marker. Map markers can get added in various ways. If you're exploring and you get to a town, settlement, shrine, etc. that you haven't been to before, the map marker will be added to your map. NPCs can also add markers to your map, though that doesn't happen often.

Also, fast travel while on horseback is faster than on foot, so if you're doing something time-sensitive (or you have a buff that might expire on the way) it can be a good choice.


May 8, 2004
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Also, fast travel while on horseback is faster than on foot, so if you're doing something time-sensitive (or you have a buff that might expire on the way) it can be a good choice.

I like it (different speeds and time triggered quests).

You know, the first time I played Daggerfall, for two days, I didn't knew that was such thing as "fast travel"... let's just say I walked a lot...


Oct 29, 2004
On Maggie's Farm... No More
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
You can go anywhere that you have a map marker. Map markers can get added in various ways. If you're exploring and you get to a town, settlement, shrine, etc. that you haven't been to before, the map marker will be added to your map. NPCs can also add markers to your map, though that doesn't happen often.

Also, fast travel while on horseback is faster than on foot, so if you're doing something time-sensitive (or you have a buff that might expire on the way) it can be a good choice.

I don't know much about this fast travel stuff... Are there random encounters? or is it just like warping there but it takes time?

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