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Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"No. The publishers should KNOW that when signing up a game and alotting the budget for it that there is no way in hades to be able to determine just exactly how much money is going to be needed for it. Therefore they should realize that they may be required to fork over more dough at some point.

Part of QC's job is to make sure things are going at a steady pace and that any future requests for more money are thoroughly justified and that people aren't just wasting the funds.

You don't just shell over a certain amount of money and then expect to not be asked for more later down the road. That's just common sense."

Unless the publisher thinks the devloper is just trying to bleed them for more coin as evidenced with TOEE.

Of course, none of this changes the fatc, that you don't neccessarily need as high of a budget for game play as you do for graphics (or vice versa for that matter) to make them both solid.


Oct 19, 2003
The state of insanity.
Volourn said:
Unless the publisher thinks the devloper is just trying to bleed them for more coin as evidenced with TOEE.

Again, that's part of the reason QC exists. To ensure the need for extra money is justified.

Volourn said:
Of course, none of this changes the fatc, that you don't neccessarily need as high of a budget for game play as you do for graphics (or vice versa for that matter) to make them both solid.

I agree, and never said you needed the same amount for both, only that if more money is needed to tweak gameplay and is justified, you should do so. Nowadays it's pretty much apparent that more money is going into the graphics engine. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I just think gameplay should get equal, if not more, attention. And that does not mean as much or more money than the graphics side either.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"I agree, and never said you needed the same amount for both, only that if more money is needed to tweak gameplay and is justified, you should do so."

Fair enough. YAY! We both win!!!

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