So after reluctantly giving up on Phoenix Point after giving it so many honest attempts to earn my adoration, I needed something I could learn fairly quickly and play for a couple of days until I start playing Gloomhaven with my friends. I wondered if I should play Tales from Candlekeep, went to the Codex-thread and saw the lukewarm reception as well as
J1M 's post stating he didn't get addicted to it like he did with Pathfinder Adventures. That's when I remembered I still had this sitting in my inventory (maybe after being gifted it by
Infinitron or somesuch? I surely never bought it) and decided to give it another go after never really playing it.
Long story short, I'm very glad i did. This game is pretty fucking amazing given how simple (and criminally underbought) it is. It has some low-development-effort wonkiness, but it's nothing that gets really annoying or unmanagable, and on the flip side, the mechanics of the game are highly compelling.
The only problem I have with it is an over-reliance on something called Blessings (d6 bonuses to rolls which are kind of a necessary duct tape fix for some minor holes in the mechanics). Other than that, the game is great. Give it a go if you're a tabletop kind of dude.
In essence, this looks to be something that the market (and the Codex) dismissed as mobile trash cash grabbing but which is actually a pretty great game packaged in a decent development effort given the circumstances.
EDIT: Also, it is a crime against humanity that this never got multiplayer functionality. Would be so fun.