Can anyone enhance the text on this?

rope kid said:IDK why the arrow speeds are still so slow in the game. I doubled them a while back but maybe my changes got reverted. In any case, they won't stay that slow.
J.E Sawyer said:The exception to the "not moving" rule is when the character is moving but currently targeting someone with a melee attack. In those cases, the pursuer will Engage as soon as they get within range of the target.
A character will always stop moving when they are Engaged unless they are a barbarian with Wild Sprint activated. In those cases, the barbarian does not stop moving but will immediately take a Disengagement Attack from anyone they pass who tries to Engage them.
That was meJosh answered a question of mine (indirectly) on the OE forums about how Melee Engagement interacts with chasing down an enemy:
J.E Sawyer said:The exception to the "not moving" rule is when the character is moving but currently targeting someone with a melee attack. In those cases, the pursuer will Engage as soon as they get within range of the target.
A character will always stop moving when they are Engaged unless they are a barbarian with Wild Sprint activated. In those cases, the barbarian does not stop moving but will immediately take a Disengagement Attack from anyone they pass who tries to Engage them.
So they are engaged if you manage to catch them.
How is this news? Two characters reach engagement range and they engage.That was meJosh answered a question of mine (indirectly) on the OE forums about how Melee Engagement interacts with chasing down an enemy:
J.E Sawyer said:The exception to the "not moving" rule is when the character is moving but currently targeting someone with a melee attack. In those cases, the pursuer will Engage as soon as they get within range of the target.
A character will always stop moving when they are Engaged unless they are a barbarian with Wild Sprint activated. In those cases, the barbarian does not stop moving but will immediately take a Disengagement Attack from anyone they pass who tries to Engage them.
So they are engaged if you manage to catch them.
Actually I was asking if it happened both ways - if an enemy is chasing me down and manages to Engage me, will my character stop moving? The answer is yes.
But he answered me directlyI've asked that question like twice before in other threads, which is why I said indirectly.
It was never clear that Engagement stops movement. Prior to this (1) it was only stated that Disengagement Attacks stop movement momentarily, and (2) examples only talked about player characters Engaging pursuing enemy AI and then the enemy would stop moving, so it wasn't clear to me whether this was just an AI decision to stop moving or that Engagement stopped movement in all cases as a general mechanic.tuluse said:How is this news? Two characters reach engagement range and they engage.
He did, in May (, which what led me to ask for clarification if it happened vice versa.The news is that we did not previously know if engagement triggered when a chasing character was still moving to catch a unit running away.
I think we've known this for a while.It was never clear that Engagement stops movement.
Unless you mean some kind of moral system should prevent this, I don't see why moving units would change anything.The news is that we did not previously know if engagement triggered when a chasing character was still moving to catch a unit running away.
Unless you mean some kind of moral system should prevent this, I don't see why moving units would change anything.
Does it matter how or when or why we knew this already or we didn't know this already or whatever? Talk about a meaningless, pedantic discussion.I think we've known this for a while.It was never clear that Engagement stops movement.
Unless you mean some kind of moral system should prevent this, I don't see why moving units would change anything.The news is that we did not previously know if engagement triggered when a chasing character was still moving to catch a unit running away.
LiamEsler said:
@Archaos I'm not sure that's still accurate. That interview was from late last year - a lot has changed in that time. I could be wrong, but - for example - I don't think weapons will be externalized (I implemented almost all of them myself).
Everything is moddable to an extent, of course, but Unity isn't great with mods.
Cool, i didn't knew thatThe chanter acts as Pillars’ primary summoner class
Naturally, Obsidian are also giving you the chance to dabble in this animancy business yourself. Depending on the character, some of your companions will lead you down quests where you can dissect and alter their souls, or the souls of people they know. Changing the demeanor, abilities, and perspective.
Chants are modal activated abilities, combinations of player assembled phrases that plays out over time. Chanters always have one chant selected, they are modal and exclusive to each other. They will always start chanting as soon as combat begins and always stop chanting as soon as combat ends. Chants can include repeated phrases and affect a large area.[1][2]
Chanters link together individual short phrases from different legends to create longer chants. The phrases have distinctive, thematically-appropriate effects that are low power long range buffs and debuffs but can be applied while the chanter is engaged in other combat activities. As one phrase ends and another begins, the effects of the first phrase will linger, allowing multiple phrases to overlap with each other. Through the clever overlapping of phrases, chanters can grant their allies a sizable stack of minor bonuses. Phrases are not individual words or ideas like "protect" or "fire".They encompass a complete idea that is passively expressed as a magical effect in the area surrounding the chanter. Chanters learn some phrases as they advance and can find additional phrases in the world.[3][4]
Chanters have a chant interface that allows you to place in all of your phrases to see how they will overlap/twist. When you pick a chant (which is a set of phrases you put together), you just click on it and it will automatically take effect when combat starts.[5]
Invocations are spell used by the chanters. Invocations are powerful, but the intervals between using them are long—and they can never be used at the start of a fight.[1] With each phrase that passes, chanters gain greater control over the spirits assisting them. When enough control is gained, chanters can direct them to perform a single powerful spell called an invocation. Invocations are often support-oriented, but some contain powerful offensive effects. Invocations are so powerful that they disrupt a chanter's chants, disabling their effects for several seconds until the chanter can recover.
Unity stores most of it's game files inside compressed Unity asset files. Currently there is no program that can reverse engineer the files to get at what's inside.