people should be more worried about whether the combat will actually be fun. That will ultimately be the only thing that matters.
if you're going into a beta expecting it to be enjoyable or fun, you done fucked upBloody hope auto-attack AI bugfix makes it into Monday's build. v252 is really buggy. I saw instances where Adam commanded a character to auto-attack, but the character did nothing. He had to issue it a second time.
Bloody hope auto-attack AI bugfix makes it into Monday's build. v252 is really buggy.
lmaothen they present a beta with such obvious issues
Bloody hope auto-attack AI bugfix makes it into Monday's build. v252 is really buggy.
that got me worried too. all the talk about their internal bug tracking software and then they present a beta with such obvious issues. one wonders how they existed unnoticed (unfixed) up to now. if that's the version they release on monday the internet will be full of complaint, laughter, and cries for bugsidian. once again.
What talk? They mentioned that they changed their bugtracking in 2010/2011 nearly 2 years ago and its not like they made a big deal out of it since.
lmao if it didn't have obvious issues it wouldn't be a beta, it'd be a finished game what the fuck is wrong with you
Cipher. Suffice to say, I was completely at a loss when using his abilitieshoverdog what class/classes did you play?
What talk? They mentioned that they changed their bugtracking in 2010/2011 nearly 2 years ago and its not like they made a big deal out of it since.
feargus made a deal out of it. remember all the interviews about ds3 and south park and how little bug-ridden they were, thanks to their all new and shiny bug tracking pipeline? btw at this topic i am a defender, but i can well imagine all the cries and tears shed over "bugsidian's usually crappy releases".
I don't think I can. Someone will eventually do it.
Infinitron was it you who said that Justin Bell went for Michael Hoenig regarding battle music but not wilderness/travelling tracks?
I thought exactly the same thing. A little bit unfortunate because it was the wilderness style tracks that made the Baldur's Gate 1 and Icewind Dale soundtracks memorable. The background stuff is much, much more subdued.