Wait, wait. They've already announced an expansion? 
They've also added extra vaporware by including Wasteland 2?

They've also added extra vaporware by including Wasteland 2?

Wait, wait. They've already announced an expansion?![]()
Fuck off!We didn't have resources to build a
Thanks god(s) for that.
Wait, wait. They've already announced an expansion?![]()
The original funding goal was $1.1 million, so why is that so surprising?
You'll get jack for your $20.Wait, wait. They've already announced an expansion?![]()
The original funding goal was $1.1 million, so why is that so surprising?
Yes, well, selling an expansion for an unreleased game...
What happens if the game flops majestically?
Yes, well, selling an expansion for an unreleased game...
What happens if the game flops majestically?
The announcement of the expansion pack at such an early stage is odd, no question about it, but the extra funds it has brought in to the Kickstarter were well worth it. Immediate +20 pledge upgrade from thousands (tens of thousands?) of pledgers.
You've already made up your mind on PE though so there's no point in me wasting time with further arguments.
You can avoid combat in NV as much as you can in 1 and 2.Running away from combat with stimpack-abuse is not "avoiding" combat.![]()
I'm pretty sure I already said I've been following him around for years. Him I partially-trust based on his tastes and previously stated opinions about gameplay, not so much the other shady characters at Obsidian Entertainment.Keep fighting the good fight, RogueyI clearly misjudged you before you developed a crush on Josh Sawyer.
But hey, whatever works!
Tells me what I want to hear.Caring is sharing or was it the other way round?
Tell us what you like about his gameplay opinions!
I think he is a well intentioned.. person. He is tired of all the problems with IE games such as rest-spamming but his solutions will end up creating new ones.
His five hard lessons http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/36637/GDC_Europe_Obsidians_Five_Hard_Lessons_Of_RPG_Design.phpHowever, I am strongly against awarding experience points for "ways and means". I.e. killing monsters, picking locks, scribing scrolls, etc. Not only is it extraordinarily hard to balance for designers and QA staff, but it inevitably leads to nasty metagaming that, in my opinion, runs counter to some of the guiding principles of many RPGs. Unless combat is the sole focus of the game, we need to keep the player's focus on achieving a goal in whatever manner he or she sees fit. The accomplishment of the goal, not the method itself, should net the main reward. The reward for "ways and means" is usually self-contained. E.g. monsters drop monster bits, opening locked rooms gives access to otherwise unavailable equipment, hacking a computer gives some interesting data that can tie in with another game system. And really, the biggest reward has already been granted to the player: you allowed him or her to play the game in the manner he or she wanted. There's an idea I don't subscribe to -- that players need to be given tiny rewards for everything they do. If your gameplay is actually fun, you shouldn't need to bribe them! When gameplay simply becomes drudgery motivated by a desire to gain a bonus that makes the gameplay easier, I feel that we have failed as designers.
I wound up working on the original Icewind Dale. I wasn't particularly thrilled with how my work on it came out but hey -- one step closer to Fallout 3, man. I then did some work on Heart of Winter, and that managed to actually be worse than my Icewind Dale stuff. Icewind Dale II came out better than I expected, but still, not exactly awe-inspiring.
I'm not a dogmatic subhuman scum who settles with the first thing to swing by his direction and content with the first buzz of near-thought cerebral activity so I'll ask anyway: tell me what is my verdict of PE? I'm most curious myself.
Anthony Davis namedrop
What happened?
In his recent livestream Adam Brennecke said he reads RPG Codex pretty much every day, and also mentioned that his friend Anthony Davis posts here regularly.![]()
Hahaha, yeah this place is a guilty pleasure for many Obsidianites.
Jabby and I started at Obsidian within two weeks of each other. He graduated from Digipen and is an amazing engineer. His game ideas are pretty Amazing too and he has one in particular that I hope they make soon.
Guilty pleasure as "LOL RPGCodex guys are so hilarious!" or "RPGCodex guys are bros!"? :D
Little column A, little column B.
Much of the time there is just head shaking when some of the more ... Aggressive members here argue just to create noise, but as we always say, there are many gems of wisdom here.
Unless it sells less than 50,000 copies, then assuming a 30.00 price point and 1/3 of that going to GoG/Steam, you're looking at a minimum of a million dollars. Given the lion's share of the work will be done, you would only need additional art assets and story/dialogue. Probably very few additional mechanics. More than enough to fund a single expansion. And it will probably sell at least 100,000 copies. Especially since it's on Steam and GoG. Well, unless the world economy has collapsed by that point, but if that has occurred we'll have more on our mind than a P:E expansion.Yes, well, selling an expansion for an unreleased game...
What happens if the game flops majestically?
And it will probably sell at least 100,000 copies.
With the weight of an actual marketing budget behind it. Project Eternity will have only what this newfangled 'social media' thing can provide. I do think it's likely to still sell at least 500k copies or so though, as it's generating a fair amount of buzz.And it will probably sell at least 100,000 copies.
Consider this - even Obsidian's greatest commercial failure, Alpha Protocol, sold several hundred thousand copies.
Adam Brennecke is now broadcasting: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/project-eternity-live-stream
He's going to be playing IWD2 today.![]()