Anthony Davis namedrop
What happened?
In his recent livestream Adam Brennecke said he reads RPG Codex pretty much every day, and also mentioned that his friend Anthony Davis posts here regularly.

Anthony Davis namedrop
What happened?
The slave collar guy is probably holding something in his hands originally. Yeah. It could be a bust. I wonder of who. The masters would not make statues of the slaves, only the slaves would after they were freed.They seem to be gunning for 10 levels.
Josh Sawyer said:the other race we haven't talked about yet are called the aumaua. they are larger than humans and are found in a lot of coastal and island areas. like orlans, they look somewhat... different, but they are still a bipedal race. we're still working on their concepts (as we are with orlans), but we will show them when we feel they're in a good place.
three weeks of absence, and now that Adam has namesdropped codex, you're back.Anthony Davis namedrop
What happened?
Josh Sawyer said:we don't really think about things in terms of good or evil choices, but in terms of choices that a relatively sane/rational person would make with an understandable motive. sometimes it makes sense to allow players to be cruel, but it has to work in the context of what's going on. the game and its story aren't about being good or evil but deciding what values (and people, and groups) are most important to you -- and what you're willing to sacrifice to defend them.
Josh Sawyer said:we haven't decided on the number of subraces per race, and cultures are separate from races/subraces, so that's even more up in the air. if we do have more subraces for certain races than other, it will not be by a large margin. we want to make the field of choices relatively even.
Josh Sawyer said:since tactical combat is one of the core features from IE that we're trying to emulate, we're not specifically designing the game for a pacifist run. that said, we do want to give the player many options to avoid combat, either through stealth, conversation, or the use of other skills. tim and i both want to make sure that players have a lot of options to use non-combat skills across the game. we think it adds a lot to the game.
The slave collar guy is probably holding something in his hands originally. Yeah. It could be a bust. I wonder of who. The masters would not make statues of the slaves, only the slaves would after they were freed.They seem to be gunning for 10 levels.
Keen observation but there could be other explanations. A gargantuan statue of a slave as a piece of propaganda to nail it into everyone's head that the fate of slaves is etched in stone, and displayed as an ever unchanging fact, and anyone could end up being enslaved under the right wrong conditions. Imagine a slave fed up and at his limits, thinking about rebellion or running away and then he looks up and sees the statue. "We went to all the trouble of building this huge thing out of stone and putting it here. Just imagine what further lengths we will go to, to put you in your place should you start being disobedient.".
Then again, it's buried under shit that's ages old and forgotten itself.
But my first thought was that it was some sort of giant or titan captured and literally turned to stone but then again, the iron on his neck would need not be also stone.
At any rate, it's just something that looks cool. I doubt they are giving it as much thought.
Hh. Adam, did you write!/adam_brennecke/status/98213614271475712 because of the Codex? How does it feel to be wrong? How does it feel to have your wrongness immortalized unless you delete that tweet?HE SAID HE READS RPG CODEX EVERY DAY
Adam Brennecke said:love the babies crying about D3 online only. seriously, don't buy it if you don't like it and invest in a pacifier instead
Don't be ashamed, you are not alone.I upped my pledge by 20 bucks now for the expansion of a game that's still in the early design stages.![]()
Josh Sawyer said:We will have very little level scaling and almost entirely in critical path areas since there's a lot of variability in when players approach them. Especially when it comes to optional content and general exploration, there will be no level-scaling. In this regard, Fallout: New Vegas might be a fair comparison.
I've known it all along and tried to reason it into your numb skulls but it was way too fucking thick to get it through. And while at it, let's remember how cocksucking apologists tried -AND FAILED- to respond when I said that there would be level scaling:
apologist cocksucker in denial said:b-b-but Sawyer sad such and such!:
J E Sawyer said:I don't know where this topic came from, but I don't expect to use level scaling much, if at all, in PE.
Oh but what is that? Random shit comments that the devs make elsewhere that isn't officially affiliated or endorsed aren't binding for PE? Why, UTTERLY SHOCKED!
Enjoy your Real Crap with Prose and KOOL-AIDS and Level-Scaling in Titty Angles with FR-derivative crap and Fuck knows what else. But keep the dough rolling in; it will be majestic when ultimately, all of you will be disappointed with how next-gen popamole low budget-indie-DAO this game will turn out.
Those two posts don't contradict each other you stupid bastard
Those two posts don't contradict each other you stupid bastard
Well. There is Level scaling in the main story. It is not there in the optional content. Earlier he indicated that there would be almost none or none whatsoever.
Well. There is Level scaling in the main story. It is not there in the optional content. Earlier he indicated that there would be almost none or none whatsoever.
That remains to be seen.Well. There is Level scaling in the main story. It is not there in the optional content. Earlier he indicated that there would be almost none or none whatsoever.
Wrong. He said there would be very little level scaling, and that likelywhich would only be in the main quest. Not that the entire main quest would be level scaled.
Level-scaling is not evil incarnate lads. Unless they do it wrong (Bethesda way). We need another round of Q&A.
That remains to be seen.Well. There is Level scaling in the main story. It is not there in the optional content. Earlier he indicated that there would be almost none or none whatsoever.
Wrong. He said there would be very little level scaling, and that likelywhich would only be in the main quest. Not that the entire main quest would be level scaled.
Level-scaling is not evil incarnate lads. Unless they do it wrong (Bethesda way). We need another round of Q&A.
This point is getting old. Level scaling is TEH BAD. What is good is encounter scaling.
I've known it all along and tried to reason it into your numb skulls but it was way too fucking thick to get it through. And while at it, let's remember how cocksucking apologists tried -AND FAILED- to respond when I said that there would be level scaling.
RPG Codex, circa 2014:
I've known it all along and tried to reason it into your numb skulls but it was way too fucking thick to get it through. And while at it, let's remember how cocksucking apologists tried -AND FAILED- to respond when I said that there would be level scaling.
the more you post in this thread, the more your brain shatters. right now you're at the full tard level, not noticing that sawyer's post in the past never implied that there won't be level scaling. he even repeated the exact same shit in the live chat yesterday... could it be that you're THIS guy?!