Mastermind's gonna shit himself with anger
I am?
I just figured you wouldn't like it much.
Another thing I just remembered is that he may only be referring to PE in this particular iteration. Cause here he implied he was very recently working on something unusual that ended up getting canned internally:Can't win' em all. Wonder why he was messing around with Unity back in May and July then:Roguey was wrong!
How long has this project been in the concept stage, prior to Kickstarter? Was it conceived to be a crowdfunded project?
prior to kickstarter, not very long -- maybe a month or so (adam may know more specifically). we conceived of it as a crowdfunded project.
Sawyer's not a programmer so it wouldn't be for professional use anyway. Unity is very easy to use and even a complete amateur could probably make a decent hiking simulator (literally) if he took a few hours to learn the basics. I can see why he'd like it. worked on a fantasy setting that had a pretty unusual art style (well, the whole setting was unusual). The people who liked it really loved it, but a lot of people really didn't like it (even if they appreciated the aesthetics of it). Part of the reason was because the unusual choices of characters, equipment, and landscape made it difficult for a person to look at a scene and think, "This is a fantasy setting.", with a lot of our "weirder" ideas, it can take a while to bring those to fruition. Speaking from recent, painful experience, when you start developing something that is genuinely unusual, everyone involved in the process of creating it invariably has a different picture of that thing in his or her head. In some cases, individuals may be unable to visualize it at all.
I worked on a fantasy setting that used Syriac and Bulgarian as linguistic starting points. It was a pretty weird world in a lot of ways and the naming didn't help most people get into it. Some really loved it, which I appreciated in a vain sort of way, but the point of communication is to share an idea with someone. If the idea is clever but no one "gets" the feeling you're going for, it's hard to view that as a success.
Josh Sawyer said:in cases where design mechanics tend to lead to degenerate gameplay (e.g. savescumming, rest spamming), we try to think of ways to remove the degeneration without harming the enjoyable mechanical elements. if a mechanic seems like it's not adding genuine challenge, we question if it should stand as-is.
with regard to regenerating health and spell cooldowns, we're not intending on having the former (though we have talked about a darklands endurance-like stat), and spells will not have cooldowns in the way that some people have assumed (per spell). when we discuss spell mechanics, i've tried to use the term "lockout" to communicate that it's much like a sorcerer exhausting an entire level of casting in 3E D&D.
THe important question is of course if endurance will be on REGEN.Josh Sawyer said:in cases where design mechanics tend to lead to degenerate gameplay (e.g. savescumming, rest spamming), we try to think of ways to remove the degeneration without harming the enjoyable mechanical elements. if a mechanic seems like it's not adding genuine challenge, we question if it should stand as-is.
with regard to regenerating health and spell cooldowns, we're not intending on having the former (though we have talked about a darklands endurance-like stat), and spells will not have cooldowns in the way that some people have assumed (per spell). when we discuss spell mechanics, i've tried to use the term "lockout" to communicate that it's much like a sorcerer exhausting an entire level of casting in 3E D&D.
THe important question is of course if endurance will be on REGEN.![]()
I know!THe important question is of course if endurance will be on REGEN.![]()
Well, it actually had a slow regen in Darklands.
T.J. Hafer:
Alright, we'll close with this next one. Unfortunately it would take us an ETERNITY to get to all these questions. (Insert Picard facepalm.)
Comment From Andrew
What does the future at Obsidian hold if Project Eternity becomes a success?
At least we learned about the last race, eh?
Hmm..At least we learned about the last race, eh?
Yeah, half-orcs.
Hmm..At least we learned about the last race, eh?
Yeah, half-orcs.
I was thinking orcs or lizardmen. Half orcs is not a race however accurately cliche it may be.
And Asimar/ Tieflings.Hmm..At least we learned about the last race, eh?
Yeah, half-orcs.
I was thinking orcs or lizardmen. Half orcs is not a race however accurately cliche it may be.
I'm going by the D&D template which they're clearly following. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halfings and Half-orcs (though the last 2 aren't actually called that).
You forgot Gnomes.
You forgot Gnomes.
There's no gnomes in PE.
Gnomes are depicted with large ears a lot, the two-tone fur-ears might be gnome-analogues instead of halflings.