Something Awful and YCS disagree and so do I.
And hell since I'm already on this topic
How about making stuff not stay put for long after you leave location? How about introducing constant funds sink, like consumables, that simply makes just travelling back and forth cost you more than you get from selling rusty crap in bulk? How about making items less resaleable, both due to degradation (as was already mentioned) and lack of demand?
Designers, Y U SO DUMB?
All of your ideas discourage picking up everything, which is contrary to what
most players actually want to do (pick up everything and sell it). Josh Sawyer doesn't want to work contrary to human behavior; instead he wishes to accommodate it while preserving the feeling for which he's striving. This is called making a good game. Making a bad game would be slapping them and saying "No! Play this game my way or get out!"