Bloodlines actually had pretty great loot. There wasn't much of it, but what you got was extremely rewarding and improved your situations. Magic items were generally powerful considering they took up no slots, armors were a massive increase in survivability and new weapons hugely improved combat performance.
And it had enough of it. Some things were available early but out of reach, some things were found during encounters and so on.
It was a "scarce" loot game but it had decent loot.
That was exactly my point in reply to raw. There would be no need for magical stash if you didn't find shit loot all over the place, which is the case with most RPGs: you find dozens of +1 swords or equivalent, then dozens of +2 and so on. This whole lootwhoring trend needs to die or just stay in hack&slashers and MMOs where it belongs.
(Thanks for linking to that thread Infinitron . Pretty cool, didn't know about it.)
In regards to the whole xp thing, I fail to understand why they don't just do it exactly like BG2 where, in fact, the large part of xp gained was quest-based, when you got those messages that everyone in your party got 50000 xp, while still giving some xp for killing mooks. It was actually a good way of fooling lovers of combat xp that all that mattered. They saw they gained 8000 xp for killing a golem and were fine with it, most not realising it was then divided by 6. Even when you added up all the combat xp you gained throughout BG2 it was still measly compared to the quest xp, which was what actually caused you to level up (in a traditional/non-solo game at least)