not your "least abstraction possible" bullshit.
How about you at least read what you respond to?
It may also be merely pointless.That abstractions are something we use when it's impossible to implement reality completely
If you have a grand strategy with thousands little men killing each other, you don't really care about detailed wound system or detailed depiction of melee/ranged combat. It's out of the scope of your view and out of your hands, so any simple system (like uninflated HPs) will do, provided that it does a decent enough job reflecting statistical outcomes.
Consistent level of abstraction is important. Actually that's the problem with kill XP. XPs are high abstraction, mechanically awarding them for the act of killing is low abstraction. Clash occurs along with all kinds of undesirable loopholes appearing.players suddenly started noticing the details that were unrealistic because they stuck out.
Look up the definition of abstraction before you reply again.Essentially, this:
Abstraction is [...] using the least amount of detail
Is a complete fallacy.
It's an act of removing stuff that is unnecessary in order to focus on stuff that is crucial.
In other words abstraction is reduction of unneeded detail, NOT inventing off-the-wall shit.
In other words abstraction is reduction of unneeded detail, NOT inventing off-the-wall shit.
Usage XP is my homeboy, because I favour open, sprawling worlds with good amount of procedurally generated content, emergent mechanics and generally the kind of stuff that makes manually assigning XP rewards infeasible. We don't have a model that works perfectly in this case, because quest XP model only works for tight, quest driven games with limited and foreknown amount of content and it generally doesn't even attempt to be a system.Usage XP - your homeboy (...) we already have a model that works perfectly.
It's a cop-out - perfect if you can know exactly what content you'll have, how much and make the quests drive the majority of your game, worthless if you can't.
Use based is completely different approach, from completely different angle and requiring completely different control measures. Yes, it's more complex (being an actual system, for starters), but it can be used where quest XP only cannot.
(Mrowak, the above should also answer your points)[/quote]
So we're only limited to repeating what we already have? It's a wonder we somehow managed to leave the caves then.Give some examples of great IE style games (tactical and strategical combat based with loads of loot) that only used quest xp (and not quest + combat xp).