RtWP can INDEED be highly complex and designed around tactical depth. The problem is the party. If you have to pause for micromanaging every party member midway of their actions, it is rather considered annoying than deep. It is simply more convenient (in my opinion) to allow for Single Player (no party) combat when designing RtWP games.
One of my own favourite RTwP games, Hearts of Iron 2, requires a lot of micromanagement as a large nation on the harder difficulties. That is also the part of the charm of the game. In terms of keeping watch over what's happening in the game, going to NWN 2 from there is like going back to kindergarten from university. If you think it's annoying to pause every time you want to give an orderin NWN 2, is it because your keyboard hand gets exhausted? I have a hard time seeing exactly why.
If you have problems with the AI, turn it off. It's often the most sensible thing to do anyway unless you're on autopilot.