That looks pretty fucking cool.
Now I really want to play a godlike.
What is wrong with you people?
Everytime I visit this thread I kindda feel like I'm on the watch. Zero critical approach.
Here's the god-touched for you (hint: they're called planetouched)...
Descendents/related to the otherplanely - check. Seemingly based on the elements - check. White/blue/green/red variance - check. Banal, shit, boring - check. One of the art-pieces for one type of godlike is pretty, why the fuck should that merit praise?
It's hard to understand why you guys swoon so much over P:E fiction, when so far they've just been copying elements of standard D&D Fantasy, mostly. I mean, I'm sure it will end up feeling original and all and have a good story, but praising these single elements that, by themselves, have existed in fantasy for nearly three decades, just seems fucking silly.
That was basically the pitch.
As I recall (and I have short memory) the pitch was about IE games. This has turned out to be less and less like them and more and more like DA:O with DnD copypasta.
All IE games were DnD, thus you expect something pretty close to DnD.
Bullshit called. No reason to talk all this bullshit about original worlds and being free of constraints if you're just going to use it to create a copy, more or less, and more important:
No reason for so many in the thread to praise the concept if they ackknowledge what you just said: "hey man, it's just copying D&D, chill." That's some hypocritical shit right there:
People praising Godlike, who would never, ever, praise something as banal and boring as the planetouched. But suddenly they're in P:E, so "wow, man, Godlike look sweet, rite?"