[pre-coffee rant]
You know, despite all the gleeful shadenfreude I feel from watching Josh trying to explain his design decisions to the internet at large (what a waste of time), and the fact that his currently preferred design direction is something I personally find pointless if not
The Ideological Enemy™, I also kinda sympathize with him (don't tell anybody)...
I mean, IWD1 had a lot of nice touches which were more or less invisible to an average BG player. You'd need a SoZ-like party conversation system to better showcase the many dialogue variations depending on race, class, and attribute values (the current "talk to first character that enters the NPCs visual range" system is horrible, so you'd need to play the game 7 times to catch most of the variation). And the mechanics touches like specialist wizard saving throw bonuses, elf bow & sword bonuses, ranger extra attacks with no shield etc. were something only AD&D geeks would (and did) appreciate. So of course all the BG lovers who played IWD1 glossed over all of that (which took non-trivial effort and time to build), and only had stupid complaints. "
I don't want to buy unique equipment in shops", who the hell thinks like that? And Josh even has the good sense to recognize that Athkatla was annoying as hell - clearly the man has (had) at least two braincells to rub together.
The only sane way forward from that point (lack of recognition for his work on IWD1) was to tell the general public to go screw themselves and continue working on things AD&D geeks would appreciate... But that train was missed. Instead, we got a RTwP 3rd edition half-assing that was IWD2 (pointless, utterly pointless). And it got worse... Now we're at the dead-end station called "design a crafting skill with Balance in mind; oh and I saw a RTS the other day, what wonderful creatures!". When all you need to design a Crafting skill in a cRPG is to go back to the "RPG" part. Instead of running away from it; why do you want to run away? Goons and (other?) retards his current work seems to be aimed at won't appreciate his efforts, how can't he see that? Come home to non-gamist-ville you wayward son, and give me a save-or-die effect - it's the only way and you know it...
Then again, he gets paid to do work at Obsidian, and he likes SA - so he deserves to suffer
[/time for coffee]