So this all goes back to some years ago when I had been wanting to make an isometric rpg for ages - similar in art style to Baldurs gate or perhaps Spiderweb's rpgs, something like that. I had been dreaming up this idea (over many bathtub sessions) where I would create a small open world with complex factions and where choices have true meaning and so on.
In hindsight GOD KNOWS WHY I decided to undertake this task. To be honest the whole creation process so far has been a misery and its not going to get easier the further along I get.
Anyway, to begin, as with any construction project the first step was to look for some tools and materials.
After some searching I arrived at the conclusion that there are two major technical blockages to achieving this goal:-
1) Suitable art.
2) Suitable game engine.
I knew that I didn't want it to run on DOSBOX, I want it to run on modern machines straight on the OS.
Naturally I took a look at the big game engines like Unity. After a few weeks I concluded that Unity is a ****** pile of shit for making old school isometric games. The assets suck. Unity just is NOT suitable for extensions. And the art styles in the asset store just don't suit either. And Unity's GUI system sucks and I hate that was rejected.
I brought RPG maker and whilst it has potential for that old school vibe, the GUI aspects just sucks and theres not too much decent art (that doesn't look like Zelda) and I didn't want to learn a new system of scripting. And those godamn blip blip sounds are everywhere and everything looks and sounds like a crummy JRPG. So I rejected that.
I finally decided that I would just have to tough it out and roll my own. So I selected Monogame as the platform as I can leverage the .NET framework and make it more naturally programmable.
It was at this stage that I began to play around with Tiled. Tiled maps can be loaded by Monogame. Now, the problem with tiled is that is just one component and only lets me create maps. Meh! After playing with it I decided I hate it and may as well roll my own, something where the map design and rpg elements can (almost) seemlessly work together. I want to lay down triggers whilst editing character stats. I want to construct cliff faces and doorways - all in the same editor.
I took a couple long weekends to make an isometric rpg editor. And its full of bugs, no surprises there. The usability sucks, but at least I can roll my own decent GUI and get the whole vibe that I am going for, all whilst staying "modern". I achieved something quite basic:
Getting tiles that were made correctly is quite frustrating (actually, I now think most artists are *******!). It seems artists have no appreciation for consistency and will tend to layout an isometric tile in just about any random fashion. Multi tile assets are particularly mysterious to them. I trolled the internet for months (yes months!) looking for isometric art. I really lost my rag at this point.
However there was some hope! On OpenGameArt I found Denki. Denki is the exception, he makes his tiles consistently and so I've used those. Unfortunately the sets available are not really complete but I am using them for prototyping.
All in all its been frustrating and long journey with much time invested, JUST to reach this starting point (I really should be spending my weekends on my boat instead).
Strange enough I found rolling my own engine to be less annoying than using any of these commercial engines. I guess I like things a certain way, and it seems worth it to claw my way forward than put up with the compromises that would have to be made IF I had used a 3rd party engine.
I still have a hopelessly long way to go and lord knows how I will acquire the art I need. I suppose I will have to hire someone on the pixelation forum - no doubt I will get badly burned by that.
Whats disturbing to me, is that the more I reflect upon my efforts the greater I suspect this whole NORMAL.