The fact that someone is drawing pornographic cartoon pictures that emulate all the features associated with a child is damning evidence in itself that it is pedophile pornography.
So alien head, 3 fingers and 2d are all child-like features to you? Tell us more about these mutant children you're so close to.
Also, I didn't ask if these people were freaks. I asked if this looks indistinguishable from a real child to you. That's the difference between something being illegal and something being distasteful/immoral. If your argument is that it's wrong, fine, but that's not the argument others were making about whether or not that specific image is legal.
Anything else is pilpul at this point is just cope. You're a pedophile and so are all the other goyim who draw these pictures, save them on their computers, or masturbate to them.
Well, fuck you, you lying piece of shit then. I am not a pedophile. I repeatedly said I don't approve of the images.
If you're dishonest enough to accuse me of being a pedophile simply for asking you a legal question, maybe you're dishonest about other things. Tell me, are you a pedophile?
Doesn't feel good to have that accusation leveled at you, does it? Or maybe it does, if you are a pedophile. Let me know, faggot.