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Game News Original Fallouts reach #7 in NPD sales charts


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Fallout

<a href="http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/58609">Shacknews are reporting NPD's latest PC sales figures</a>. In amongst them at number 7:
<blockquote>Still, there's one surprise tucked away in there: Interplay's recent "Fallout Trilogy" bundle--packing Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics--popped up as #7 on NPD's chart.

1. World Of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King / Blizzard / $32
2. The Sims 2 Double Deluxe / EA Maxis / $20
3. Left 4 Dead / Valve / $29
4. World Of Warcraft Battle Chest / Blizzard / $39
5. Empire: Total War / Creative Assembly / $50
6. World Of Warcraft / Blizzard / $20
<b>7. Fallout Trilogy (Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics) / Interplay / $20</b>
8. Demigod / Gas Powered Games / $39
9. The Sims 2 Apartment Life Exp. Pack / EA Maxis / $20
10. Spore / EA Maxis / $50</blockquote>
Bethesda's Fallout 3 seems to have had a flow-on effect.

Spotted @ <a href="http://rpgcodex.net/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=4">General RPG Discussion</a> as per usual. Thanks <b>Applegate's Breasts</b>!


Dec 11, 2008
What the hell is happening???

Any explanation?? the crisis??, some crazy coleccionist guys that want have all the fallouts in his shelfs??

I cant imagine some guys getting fallout 1 and 2 thinking that are like fallout 3 :D


Oct 28, 2008
British Columbia, Canada.
Volourn said:
Big whoop. At $10 it means squat, anyways.

I haven't even been around that long, and already you stand out as one of the most readily identifiable, and not to mention most prominent, worthless and idiotic assholes on this board. Rather than cream of the crop, you're the antithesis: the grimy, chunky bits in a massive pile of foul, rotten shit.

It's not about the price-point, you insipid twat. It's the fact that, even if precipitated by the popularity of Fallout 3, people are looking into older and very worthwhile RPGs. From there, the strong possibility exists that these people will branch out further and seek out other quality, arguably "classic" cRPGs.


Oct 20, 2008
Merida, again
Moray said:
Volourn said:
Big whoop. At $10 it means squat, anyways.

I haven't even been around that long, and already you stand out as one of the most readily identifiable, and not to mention most prominent, worthless and idiotic assholes on this board. Rather than cream of the crop, you're the antithesis: the grimy, chunky bits in a massive pile of foul, rotten shit.

It's not about the price-point, you insipid twat. It's the fact that, even if precipitated by the popularity of Fallout 3, people are looking into older and very worthwhile RPGs. From there, the strong possibility exists that these people will branch out further and seek out other quality, arguably "classic" cRPGs.

Doubtful. People are getting them because of the name and recognition from Failout 3. Most will be like: "hey, I should try these and see what all the fuss is about".... only to forget about them 2 days in. I doubt they will branch out, seeing that most people that got Failout 3 are "those" kind of gamers. Believe me, I've done extensive research on the subject.
At worst, these guys are posers. "Hey, look at me, I also played the originals. I'm so cool." Fuck them, I played the originals too, and before it got trendy.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"I haven't even been around that long, and already you stand out as one of the most readily identifiable, and not to mention most prominent, worthless and idiotic assholes on this board. Rather than cream of the crop, you're the antithesis: the grimy, chunky bits in a massive pile of foul, rotten shit"

Ah.. Another whiney pretenious internet geek who doesn't think his shit stinks. Guess what. Your shit does stink.

"It's not about the price-point, you insipid twat. It's the fact that, even if precipitated by the popularity of Fallout 3, people are looking into older and very worthwhile RPGs. From there, the strong possibility exists that these people will branch out further and seek out other quality, arguably "classic" cRPGs."

I believe Monsieur Melcar covered this. And, he skooled ya big time.

The people who bought this FO 'trilogy' package based on the fact they loved FO3 will not be turned on to FO1ish type of RPGs. Don't be a moron. In fact, they're more likely gonna be dissapointed that FO1 isn't like FO3 in terms of gameplay, combat, and the like. In fact, they'll be annoyed that it isn't. And, that's not bring in the fact the game's graphis are a decade + old.

What a maroon.

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
It's true! I think FO2 > FO1 cos I played FO2 first!

FO1 is such a disappointment without those pop culture references, gauss weaponry and manageable NPCs. The play screen is also 2.5% smaller I believe. FO 1 & 2 should also have optional realtime combat as well as kneeling and proning like in FOT. :P


Mar 7, 2006
Melcar said:
Moray said:
Volourn said:
Big whoop. At $10 it means squat, anyways.

I haven't even been around that long, and already you stand out as one of the most readily identifiable, and not to mention most prominent, worthless and idiotic assholes on this board. Rather than cream of the crop, you're the antithesis: the grimy, chunky bits in a massive pile of foul, rotten shit.

It's not about the price-point, you insipid twat. It's the fact that, even if precipitated by the popularity of Fallout 3, people are looking into older and very worthwhile RPGs. From there, the strong possibility exists that these people will branch out further and seek out other quality, arguably "classic" cRPGs.

Doubtful. People are getting them because of the name and recognition from Failout 3. Most will be like: "hey, I should try these and see what all the fuss is about".... only to forget about them 2 days in. I doubt they will branch out, seeing that most people that got Failout 3 are "those" kind of gamers. Believe me, I've done extensive research on the subject.
At worst, these guys are posers. "Hey, look at me, I also played the originals. I'm so cool." Fuck them, I played the originals too, and before it got trendy.
Can't say I agree with you. Fallout 3 sold millions and catered to a very broad audience, it's quite possible that a lot or at least some of those gamers are interested in the PA setting and/or classic RPGs in general and simply didn't get around to playing Fallout. Besides, Fallout stands on its own as a very good game, you don't necessarily have to be a hardcore RPG enthusiast to enjoy it so even seemingly idiots that liked F3 might get into it - especially if they just heard of F3, haven't played it yet and wanted to start with the first game in the series.


Oct 26, 2008
Château d'If
Melcar said:
Doubtful. People are getting them because of the name and recognition from Failout 3. Most will be like: "hey, I should try these and see what all the fuss is about".... only to forget about them 2 days in. I doubt they will branch out, seeing that most people that got Failout 3 are "those" kind of gamers. Believe me, I've done extensive research on the subject.
At worst, these guys are posers. "Hey, look at me, I also played the originals. I'm so cool." Fuck them, I played the originals too, and before it got trendy.

Volourn said:
The people who bought this FO 'trilogy' package based on the fact they loved FO3 will not be turned on to FO1ish type of RPGs. Don't be a moron. In fact, they're more likely gonna be dissapointed that FO1 isn't like FO3 in terms of gameplay, combat, and the like. In fact, they'll be annoyed that it isn't. And, that's not bring in the fact the game's graphis are a decade + old.

For once, the ignorance of the gaming masses works as a force for good.


Oct 21, 2002
The people who bought this FO 'trilogy' package based on the fact they loved FO3 will not be turned on to FO1ish type of RPGs. Don't be a moron. In fact, they're more likely gonna be dissapointed that FO1 isn't like FO3 in terms of gameplay, combat, and the like. In fact, they'll be annoyed that it isn't. And, that's not bring in the fact the game's graphis are a decade + old.

Sure, many people will react like that. But I have already seen people who first played FO3, then played the originals and loved them.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Monolith said:
Besides, Fallout stands on its own as a very good game, you don't necessarily have to be a hardcore RPG enthusiast to enjoy it so even seemingly idiots that liked F3 might get into it.

90% of them will be put off by the starting rat cave in fo1 and the temple of trials in fo2.


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
Not to mention all the poor kids who are gonna have their birthdays ruined because their mothers bought them the Fallout Trilogy instead of Fallout 3.

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay
PlanHex said:
Not to mention all the poor kids who are gonna have their birthdays ruined because their mothers bought them the Fallout Trilogy instead of Fallout 3.

One can actually feel genuine sympathy for them. Instead if the super-cool NextGen there stands some 12 year old turd that won't run on Vista. Imagine how they attempt the Temple of Trials with tears running over their cheeks.

They won't make it very far.


Aug 20, 2008
Monolith said:
Can't say I agree with you. Fallout 3 sold millions and catered to a very broad audience, it's quite possible that a lot or at least some of those gamers are interested in the PA setting and/or classic RPGs in general and simply didn't get around to playing Fallout. Besides, Fallout stands on its own as a very good game, you don't necessarily have to be a hardcore RPG enthusiast to enjoy it so even seemingly idiots that liked F3 might get into it - especially if they just heard of F3, haven't played it yet and wanted to start with the first game in the series.

Agreed. When I played Fallout 1 I wasn't someone who played RPGs religiously. I was just a fan of post apocalyptic settings, and I also found the turn based combat enjoyable. I also found Jagged Alliance's turn based combat difficult, mainly because I suck at strategy games, but FO's turn based combat was simpler, and more fun for me at that time. And that's how it became my favourite RPG.

Also, even though people here like generalising, there are quite a number of people who enjoy older games, even though they're not really hardcore RPG gamers (neither am I).

Fallout can be very enjoyable for everyone, you don't need to be an elitist hardcore codexer to proclaim it's a great game.

Ausir said:
Sure, many people will react like that. But I have already seen people who first played FO3, then played the originals and loved them.

Yep, indeed.


Oct 21, 2002
One can actually feel genuine sympathy for them. Instead if the super-cool NextGen there stands some 12 year old turd that won't run on Vista.

It does run on Vista, actually.


Aug 19, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Darth Roxor said:
Monolith said:
Besides, Fallout stands on its own as a very good game, you don't necessarily have to be a hardcore RPG enthusiast to enjoy it so even seemingly idiots that liked F3 might get into it.

90% of them will be put off by the starting rat cave in fo1 and the temple of trials in fo2.

You know, I'll probably catch a lot of hate for saying this, but I do think FO3 easily has the best introduction sequence of the Fallout games.

You may not like how they portrayed Vault life, the G.O.A.T. exam, the violence-happy "Escape from the Vault!!!!" shooter sequence, etc., and that's fine. But, even with any flaws the implementation may have, the idea of playing out key moments in the childhood of your character is far more appealing than "shoot/avoid rats as you escape the Vault cave". And, well, the less said about the Temple of Trials, the better.

I remember returning to FO1 last year after playing it as a kid, and for all the hype the game had gotten over the years, I was struck by how boring the first areas was. I kept going, because I knew it got much, much better and was easily worthy of all the hype and praise it had received. But, I think it's also understandable someone might play 10 or 15 minutes into those games - especially Fallout 2 - and just give up, looking for a game that's actually entertaining right out of the box.

On a side note, that's actually one of my big beefs with MMOs. People say to "keep playing until it gets fun". You know what? No. It's a fucking video game. Its job is to entertain me. It has a couple of hours to do so, after which, it will likely get turned off and never played again. Now that I'm older, and my free time is far more valuable, I just don't have the stomach for games that have too much of a lag time between the start-up screen, and the place where the fun actually begins.


Oct 21, 2002
You know, I'll probably catch a lot of hate for saying this, but I do think FO3 easily has the best introduction sequence of the Fallout games.

You may not like how they portrayed Vault life, the G.O.A.T. exam, the violence-happy "Escape from the Vault!!!!" shooter sequence, etc., and that's fine. But, even with any flaws the implementation may have, the idea of playing out key moments in the childhood of your character is far more appealing than "shoot/avoid rats as you escape the Vault cave". And, well, the less said about the Temple of Trials, the better.

I disagree. At least you can run through both the cave and the Temple, while the FO3 tutorial levels are full of unskippable cutscenes, and thus are much longer and more tedious. The whole birth sequence alone takes longer than getting out of the Vault 13 cave.


Aug 19, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Ausir said:
You know, I'll probably catch a lot of hate for saying this, but I do think FO3 easily has the best introduction sequence of the Fallout games.

You may not like how they portrayed Vault life, the G.O.A.T. exam, the violence-happy "Escape from the Vault!!!!" shooter sequence, etc., and that's fine. But, even with any flaws the implementation may have, the idea of playing out key moments in the childhood of your character is far more appealing than "shoot/avoid rats as you escape the Vault cave". And, well, the less said about the Temple of Trials, the better.

I disagree. At least you can run through both the cave and the Temple, while the FO3 tutorial levels are full of unskippable cutscenes, and thus are much longer and more tedious. The whole birth sequence alone takes longer than getting out of the Vault 13 cave.

This is true. I guess I was thinking more "idea" wise, living out a character's childhood is more interesting than "cave of rats". The Temple of Trials is far, far worse than the "cave of rats" though.

FO3 does give you the option to "rebuild" your character as you leave the Vault, so you could theoretically keep a saved game there and skip the intro sequence - but I've always viewed that "feature" as an immersion-breaking flaw of the game. You spend an hour or so getting to know your character, only to be told HEY WAIT R U SURE THATS THE CHAR U WANT?!?!?

Also, keep in mind, I'm not necessarily talking about the tedious nature of replaying through them to start the game. I'm trying to speak from the POV of having just loaded up either of the three games for the first time. When replaying FO1, you'll already know to run through the cave as fast as possible. But people who are playing for the first time could spend a decent amount of time exploring it, and wondering to themselves "What exactly is the hype about?"

Again, this issue is only exacerbated when thinking of FO2.


Oct 21, 2002
The Temple of Trials is lame, but so is the FO3 tutorial, and at least the former can be finished much faster, since it doesn't have any unskippable cutscenes.

But other people could spend a decent amount of time exploring it, and wondering to themselves "What exactly is the hype about?"

Less time than being born and learning to walk as a toddler in FO3. And you're not even done with character creation at this point yet!


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
Volourn said:
The people who bought this FO 'trilogy' package based on the fact they loved FO3 will not be turned on to FO1ish type of RPGs. Don't be a moron. In fact, they're more likely gonna be dissapointed that FO1 isn't like FO3 in terms of gameplay, combat, and the like. In fact, they'll be annoyed that it isn't. And, that's not bring in the fact the game's graphis are a decade + old.

What a maroon.

Hardly, morrowind was my first rpg, it was through that game that i did further searches and found out about the gothic series, fallout, PS:T, BG's and arcanum.

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